• 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 出 版 社:ROUTLEDGE
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:0415612799
  • 页数:220 页

1 Introduction 1

Dominant readings of Derrida in the legal context 2

Derrida and the metaphysics of presence 13

Title and series 37

Sequence and overview of chapters 40

2 Declarations of independence 43

Speech acts: founding a state 45

Representation 57

The signature 60

The proper name 67

Beyond sovereignty 72

3 Before the law 74

Freud's Totem and Taboo 75

Levi-Strauss on totemism and the prohibition of incest 77

Derrida on Levi-Strauss 81

Before the law 84

Originary guilt and parricide 92

4 Madness and the law 95

Cogito and the history of madness 96

Doing justice to Freud 107

Law and madness 111

5 The gift beyond exchange 113

Heidegger and metaphysics 114

Mauss's The Gift 122

Derrida on the gift 125

The gift, time and law 138

6 Force of law 141

Justice, singularity and the event 141

Undecidability 150

The 'mystical foundation of authority' 153

Repetition and law-enforcing violence 158

'Applying' justice 162

7 The haunting of justice 165

Heidegger's reading 166

Derrida's reading 181

The revolution 191

8 Hospitality towards the future 192

Rethinking conceptuality 194

Law, politics and hospitality 196

Legal philosophers of a new species 197

Bibliography 200

Index 214