Ⅰ.Principles and Institutions 1
A.Legal Principles 1
1.Territoriality 1
2.National Treatment 13
3.Choice of Forum and Choice of Law 23
4.Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments 70
B.Economics,Technology and Development 81
1.Intellectual Property:Who Benefits?Who Pays? 81
2.Traditional Knowledge,Folklore and Genetic Resources 98
C.Trade Principles and Processes 120
1.Multilateral Arrangements:The Trips Agreement 120
2.Regional Arrangements 145
3.Bilateral Arrangements (and Unilateral Initiatives) 160
Ⅱ.Protection of Foreigners Under National Law 177
A.Copyright and Neighboring Rights 177
1.Territorial Reach of Copyright Law 181
2.Entitlement to Protection 192
3.Protected Subject Matter 196
4.Ownership and Term 215
5.Economic Rights and Remedies 245
6.Moral Rights 359
B.Patents 383
1.Territorial Reach of Patent Law 390
2.Requirements for Protection 403
3.Prosecution 458
4.Rights and Remedies 477
5.Limitations on Rights 492
6.Infringement 525
C.Trademarks and Geographical Indications 541
1.Territorial Reach of Trademark Law 543
2.Protected Subject Matter 556
3.Registration,Use and Priorities 584
4.Ownership 637
5.Rights 651
6.Remedies 669
D.Unfair Competition and Trade Secrets 678
1.Unfair Competition 678
2.Trade Secrets 689
E.Industrial Design 712
Index 737