• 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 出 版 社:PRAEGER
  • 出版年份:1997
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:269 页

Part Ⅰ: Rationale: The Underlying Issues 3

1 The Rationale Behind this Study&Randall Baker 5

Part Ⅱ: The European Union and the United States:Two Systems Compared 19

2 European and American Political Decision Making &Willem G. van Hasselt 21

3 The European Union: Evolution, Nature, and Trends&Bernard J. S. Hoetjes 31

Part Ⅲ: The Role of International Law 45

4 International Environmental Law: A Stocktaking&Menno T. Kamminga 47

5 Why Do States Take on International Environmental Law Obligations: A Comparison of the United States and the Netherlands&Mary Ellen O'Connell 55

6 Transparency and Locus Standi:Instrumental or Intrinsic Values in European (Environmental) Law?&Ellen Hey 63

Part Ⅳ: Environmental Law and Policy 75

7 The Evolution, Operation, and Future of Environmental Management in the European Union&Ernst R. Klatte 77

8 The Evolution, Operation, and Future of Environmental Policy in the United States&Paul Weiland, Lynton K. Caldwell, and Rosemary O'Leary 97

Part Ⅴ: Case Studies 121

Air Quality Management 123

9 Air Pollution Policy in the European Union&Kenneth Hanf 125

10 Air Pollution Control in the United States&A. James Barnes 147

Water Quality Management 157

11 The European Approach to Water Pollution Control&Carel H. V. de Villeneuve 159

12 The United States Approach to Water Pollution Control&Richard R. Bauer 169

13 The Uneven Geography of Managing Urban Storm Water:A Comparison of Two State Programs&Greg H. Lindsey 181

14 Water Pollution Control in an EU Member State: The Netherlands&Vincent W. J. van den Bergen 195

15 Transnational Dimensions to Water Management: The Great Lakes&Lynton K. Caldwell 207

16 Managing the River Rhine and Its Basin&Hans Wessel 219

Waste Management 231

17 The EU Regulation of Waste: Free Circulation or Self-Sufficiency ?& Ida J. Koppen 233

18 Regulation of Solid and Hazardous Waste in the United States&J. B. Ruhl 249

Index 261

About the Editor and Contributors 265