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  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:0199670048
  • 页数:503 页

1. Introduction: The GAL Competition Project: The Global Convergence of Process Norms&Eleanor M. Fox and Michael J. Trebilcock 1

Ⅰ. The birth and evolution of the project 1

Ⅱ. Themes—A synthesis 4

Ⅲ. Summaries of country/jurisdictional studies 12

Ⅳ. Concluding reflections 44

Appendix: The Template—Outline of Elements Addressed in the Jurisdictional Studies 47

History 47

Structure 47

Mandate and boundaries of the competition authority 47

Procedural characteristics 47

Critical evaluation 48

2. Australia and New Zealand: Their Competition Law Systems and the Countries’ Norms&Simon Peart 49

Ⅰ. Competition law enforcement and governance: Australia and New Zealand 49

Ⅱ. Structure 56

Ⅳ. Mandate and central substantive provisions 66

Ⅳ. Procedural characteristics 74

Ⅴ. Critical evaluation 105

3. Canada: The Competition Law System and the Country’s Norms&Edward Iacobucci and Michael J. Trebilcock 109

Ⅰ. History 109

Ⅱ. Structure 112

Ⅲ. Mandate 119

Ⅳ. Procedural characteristics 125

Ⅴ. Critical reflections on institutional design issues in Canadian competition policy 140

Ⅵ. Conclusion 146

4. Chile: The Competition Law System and the Country’s Norms&Francisco Aguero and Santiago Montt 149

Ⅰ. Introduction 149

Ⅱ History 151

Ⅲ. Structure and procedure 154

Ⅳ. Mandate and boundaries of the Competition Authority 160

Ⅴ. Procedural norms 163

Ⅵ. Critical evaluation 183

Annex 186

General methodological aspects 186

Qualitative methodology techniques: Interviews and document analysis 186

Quantitative methodology technique: Survey 187

National Economic Prosecutor’s Office (NEPO) 188

Competition Tribunal 190

5. China: The Competition Law System and the Country’s Norms&Jessica Su and Xiaoye Wang 194

Ⅰ. History 194

Ⅱ. Structure 202

Ⅲ. Mandate and boundaries of the Anti-Monopoly Enforcement Agencies 211

Ⅳ. Procedural characteristics 217

Ⅴ. Critical evaluation 227

6. Japan: The Competition Law System and the Country’s Norms&Harry First and Tadashi Shiraishi 232

Ⅰ. History of antitrust enforcement 232

Ⅱ. Institutional structure 236

Ⅲ. Mandate 237

Ⅳ. Procedural characteristics of Japan’s enforcement system 240

Ⅴ. Evaluation and potential reforms 262

Ⅵ. Conclusion 264

7. South Africa: The Competition Law System and the Country’s Norms&Dennis Davis and Lara Granville 266

Ⅰ. History and structure 266

Ⅱ. Mandate of the competition authorities 271

Ⅲ. Procedural norms 281

Ⅳ. Critical evaluation 325

8. The United States: The Competition Law System and the Country’s Norms&Harry First, Eleanor M. Fox, and Daniel E. Hemli 329

Ⅰ. The history of antitrust enforcement 329

Ⅱ. Institutional structure 334

Ⅲ. Competition mandate 340

Ⅳ. Procedural characteristics of the US enforcement system 344

Ⅴ. Evaluation 379

Ⅵ. Conclusion 383

9. The European Union: The Competition Law System and the Union’s Norms&Ioannis Lianos and Arianna Andreangeli 384

Ⅰ. Institutional structure and institutional performance norms 384

Ⅱ. Mandate 405

Ⅲ. Due process norms in case-by-case decision-making 407

Ⅳ. Administrative performance norms 432

Ⅴ. Conclusions: suggestions for reform and improvement 436

10. The International Institutions of Competition Law:The Systems’ Norms&Eleanor M. Fox and Amedeo Arena 444

Ⅰ. Introduction 444

Ⅱ. The World Trade Organization 447

Ⅲ. The other international institutions 476

Ⅳ. Findings and critical evaluation 484

Index 489