Introduction 1
Illegal markets and the economics of organized crime&Martin Bouchard and Chris Wilkins 1
1. What is a criminal organization and why does the law care?&Philip A. Curry and Steeve Mongrain 5
2. The size and influence of a criminal organization: a criminal achievement perspective&Pierre Tremblay, Martin Bouchard and Sevrine Petit 22
3. Understanding optimal criminal networks&Stephen T. Easton and Alexander K. Karaivanov 38
4. How illegal drugs enter an island country: insights from interviews with incarcerated smugglers&Jonathan P. Caulkins, Honora Burnett and Edward Leslie 63
5. Economic analysis of drug transaction ‘cycles’ described by incarcerated UK drug dealers&Jonathan P. Caulkins, Benjamin Gurga and Christopher Little 90
6. The market for crystalline methamphetamine in Sydney, Australia&Rebecca McKetin, Jennifer McLaren, Erin Kelly and Jenny Chalmers 109
7. The black market in China for tiger products&Brendan Moyle 120
8. Exploring the organization of Russia Far East’s illegal wildlife trade: two case studies of the illegal fur and illegal falcon trades&Tanya Wy 140
Index 151