1 Critical voices in an age of anxiety: a reintroduction to the fear of crime&STEPHEN FARRALL AND MURRAY LEE 1
2 The 'moral panic' that wasn't: the sixties crime issue in the US&DENNIS LOO 12
3 The enumeration of anxiety: power, knowledge and fear of crime&MURRAY LEE 32
4 Critical geopolitics and everyday fears&SUSAN J SMITH AND RACHEL PAIN 45
5 Preventing indeterminate threats: fear, terror and the politics of preemption&LEANNE WEBER AND MURRAY LEE 59
6 Being feared: masculinity and race in public space&KRISTEN DAY 82
7 Untangling the web: deceptive responding in fear of crime research&ROBBIE M SUTTON AND STEPHEN FARRALL 108
8 Anxiety, defensiveness and the fear of crime&DAVID GADD AND TONY JEFFERSON 125
9 Bridging the social and the psychological in the fear of crime&JONATHAN JACKSON 143
10 State-trait anxiety and fear of crime: a social psychological perspective&DEREK A CHADEE, NIKIESHA J VIRGIL AND JASON DITTON 168
11 Revisiting fear of crime in Bondi and Marrickville: sense of community and perceptions of safety&MIKE ENDERS AND CHRISTINE JENNETT WITH MARIAN TULLOCH 188
12 Critical voices in an age of anxiety: ending with the identification of where to begin&MURRAY LEE AND STEPHEN FARRALL 211
Index 215