1. The Case for a History of Derivatives 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 A Description of the Book 3
1.3 Definitions of Derivatives 5
1.4 The Place of Derivatives in the Common Law System 19
1.5 Conclusion-Room for Improvement 24
2. Derivatives in the Ancient Middle East 27
2.1 Introduction 27
2.2 The Beginnings of Trade 30
2.3 Ancient Mesopotamia 31
2.4 Ancient Mesopotamian Derivatives 36
2.5 Derivatives Regulation in Ancient Mesopotamia 42
2.6 The Sophistication of Mesopotamian Contract Law 48
2.7 Ancient Egypt 50
2.8 The Ancient Middlemen:Cyprus,Tyre and Israel 53
2.9 Conclusions on Early Derivatives 57
3. Derivatives in Ancient Greece and Rome 59
3.1 Ancient Greece 59
3.2 Rome 70
3.3 Conclusions on Derivatives in the Classical Age 83
4. Derivatives in the Post-Roman Era 85
4.1 Introduction 85
4.2 Post-Roman Commodity Trade 86
4.3 The Byzantine Empire 87
4.4 The Germanic Invasions 88
4.5 Futures Trading in the Arab Empire 95
4.6 The Rise of the Italians 96
4.7 Canon Law 105
4.8 The Crusades 111
4.9 Conclusions on the DarkAges 112
5. Derivatives in the Middle Ages 113
5.1 Derivatives in Thirteenth-century Trade 113
5.2 European Trade in the Fourteenth Century 127
5.3 European Trade in the Fifteenth Century 133
5.4 Conclusions on the Middle Ages 138
6. The Growth of Trade in Northern Europe and England 139
6.1 The Sixteenth Century 139
6.2 The Seventeenth Century 157
6.3 Conclusions on sixteenth-and seventeenth-century Trading and Regulation 165
7. Trade in the Eighteenth Century 167
7.1 Introduction 167
7.2 Trade Involving Derivatives 167
7.3 Negotiability of Contracts 171
7.4 Contracts for Differences 178
7.5 Middlemen 179
7.6 Policy on “Short” Sales 180
7.7 The South Sea Bubble 181
7.8 Trade in the American Colonies 190
7.9 Conclusions on the Eighteenth Century 192
8. The First Half of the Nineteenth Century 195
8.1 Introduction 195
8.2 Market Control 196
8.3 Equity Derivatives 198
8.4 Trade in Bills of Exchange 199
8.5 Trade in Bills of Lading 200
8.6 Physical Delivery,Contracts for Differences and Gaming 205
8.7 The GamingAct 1845 211
8.8 The USA: Post-Revolutionary Commodity Trade 213
8.9 The Chicago Board of Trade 218
8.10 The US Treatment of Contracts for Differences and Gaming 219
8.11 Conclusion 220
9. The Impact of the Global Market (1848 to Beyond the Year 2000) 221
9.1 England 221
9.2 The Rise and Decline of Futures Trading in the USA 234
9.3 The Current Responses of US and UK Derivatives Regulators 271
9.4 Conclusions 275
10. Comparative Summary and Conclusions on the Legal History of Derivatives 277
10.1 Introduction 277
10.2 Comparative Summary of the Origins of Derivatives 277
10.3 Conclusions about the Uses of Derivatives 296
10.4 Conclusions about the Regulation of Derivatives 299
10.5 Conclusions about the Need for Further Study 305
Bibliography 307
Index 325