Introduction 1
PART 31 The Other 3
82 Feminist approaches to international law&HILARY CHARLESWORTH, CHRISTINE CHINKIN AND SHELLEY WRIGHT 5
PART 32 Economics 45
83 Economic analysis of international law&JEFFREY L.DUNOFF AND JOEL P.TRACHTMAN 47
84 A theory of customary international law&JACK L.GOLDSMITH AND ERIC A.POSNER 104
PART 33 Literature 161
85 Shakespeare’s Henry the Fifth and the law of war&THEODOR MERON 163
86 Ideals and things: international legal scholarship and the prison-house of language&JAMES BOYLE 219
PART 34 Philosophy 249
87 The ‘modern’ theory of natural law&RICHARD TUCK 251
88 On the pure theory of law&HANS KELSEN 269
PART 35 Politics 275
PART 36 Psychology 277
89 Interwar German theories of international law: the psychoanalytical and phenomenological perspectives of Hans Kelsen and Carl Schmitt&ANTHONY CARTY 279
PART 37 Religion 329
90 International law and the conflict of religious interests&ROSALYN HIGGINS 331
91 Equality or equivalence: a very brief survey of Lex Talionis as a concept of justice in the Bible&ALAN TZVIKA NISSEL 355
PART 38 Sociology 381
92 Introduction&LOUIS HENKIN 383
93 Book review: How Nations Behave&DAVID KENNEDY 423
94 The sociology of international economic law: invitation to study international rules in their social context&MOSHE HIRSCH 442
Index 488