A.The Structure of Insurance Regulation 5
1.Jonathan R.Macey and Geoffrey P.Miller (1993), ‘The McCarran- Ferguson Act of 1945: Reconceiving the Federal Role in Insurance Regulation’, New York University Law Review, 68, April, 13-88 5
2.Martin F.Grace and Richard D.Phillips (2007), ‘The Allocation of Governmental Regulatory Authority: Federalism and the Case of Insurance Regulation’, Journal of Risk and Insurance, 74 (1), 207-38 81
B.Solvency Regulation 115
3.J.David Cummins, Scott E.Harrington and Robert Klein (1995), ‘Insolvency Experience, Risk-Based Capital, and Prompt Corrective Action in Property-Liability Insurance’, Journal of Banking and Finance, 19 (3-4), 511-27 115
4.Scott E.Harrington (2005), ‘Capital Adequacy in Insurance and Reinsurance’, in Hal S.Scott (ed.), Capital Adequacy Beyond Basel: Banking, Securities, and Insurance, Chapter 2, Oxford, UK and New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 87-122 132
C.Regulation and Risk Classification 171
5.Kenneth S.Abraham (1985), ‘Efficiency and Fairness in Insurance Risk Classification’, Virginia Law Review, 71 (3), April, 403-51 171
6.Michael Hoy and Michael Ruse (2005), ‘Regulating Genetic Information in Insurance Markets’, Risk Management and Insurance Review, 8 (2), 211-37 220
D.Price Regulation in Insurance Markets 249
7.Henry Grabowski, W.Kip Viscusi and William N.Evans (1989), ‘Price and Availability Tradeoffs of Automobile Insurance Regulation’, Journal of Risk and Insurance, 56 (2), June, 275-99 249
8.Mary A.Weiss, Sharon Tennyson and Laureen Regan (2010), ‘The Effects of Regulated Premium Subsidies on Insurance Costs: An Empirical Analysis of Automobile Insurance’, Journal of Risk and Insurance, 77 (3), 597-624 274
9.Dwight M.Jaffee and Thomas Russell (2002), ‘Regulation of Automobile Insurance in California’, in J.David Cummings (ed.), Deregulating Property Liabilty Insurance, Chapter 5, Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute and Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies, 195-236 302
E.Regulation and Insurance Policy Renewal 347
10.Mark V.Pauly, Howard Kunreuther and Richard Hirth (1995), ‘Guaranteed Renewability in Insurance’, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 10, 143-56 347
11.Ronen Avraham and K.A.D.Camara (2007), ‘The Tragedy of the Human Commons’, Cardozo Law Review, 29 (2), 479-511 361
F.Regulating Insurance Demand 397
12.Kyle D.Logue (2001), ‘The Current Life Insurance Crisis: How the Law Should Respond’, Cumberland Law Review, 32 (1),1-67 397
13.Daniel Schwarcz (2010), ‘Regulating Consumer Demand in Insurance Markets’, Erasmus Law Review, 3 (1), 23-45 464
A.Tort Law as Insurance 491
14.Richard A.Epstein (1985), ‘Products Liability as an Insurance Market’, Journal of Legal Studies, 14 (3), December, 645-69 491
15.Jon D.Hanson and Kyle D.Logue (1990), ‘The First-Party Insurance Externality: An Economic Justification for Enterprise Liability’, Cornell Law Review, 76, 129-96 516
16.Kenneth S.Reinker and David Rosenberg (2007), ‘Unlimited Subrogation: Improving Medical Malpractice Liability by Allowing Insurers to Take Charge’, Journal of Legal Studies, 36 (S2), June, S261-S289 584
B.Government Role in Catastrophe Insurance 615
17.Dwight M.Jaffee and Thomas Russell (1997), ‘Catastrophe Insurance, Capital Markets, and Uninsurable Risks’, Journal of Risk and Insurance, 64 (2), June, 205-30 615
18.J.David Cummins (2006), ‘Should the Government Provide Insurance for Catastrophes?’, Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis Review, 88 (4), July-August, 337-79 641
19.Howard Kunreuther and Mark Pauly (2006), ‘Rules Rather than Discretion: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina’, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 33 (1), 101-16 684