Preface 7
1Introduction 9
2Legal Drafting Steps 11
2.1 Outline Document Structure 11
2.2 State the Obligations or Rights 11
2.3 Drafting Process 12
3Principles of Legal Drafting 14
3.1 General Principles of Good Writing 15
3.1.1 Sentences 15
3.1.2 Verbs 19
3.1.3 Word Choice 23
3.2 Specific Principles of Legal Drafting 30
3.2.1 Interpretation 31
3.2.2 Third PersonSingular and Present Tense 34
3.2.3 Conditions, Exceptions and Provisos 35
3.2.4 Clauses or Provisions 38
3.2.5 Coode’s Rule 38
3.2.6 Expressions of Time 41
3.2.7 Words and Phrases 42
4Standard Legal Drafting Format 56
4.1 Document Format 57
4.1.1 Opening — Date of Agreement 58
4.1.2 Opening — Names and Addresses 59
4.1.3 Background 60
4.1.4 Linking Opening or Background, and Operative Provisions 62
4.1.5 Operative Provisions — Definitions 62
4.1.6 Operative Provisions — Heart of Agreement 65
4.1.7 Schedules 66
4.1.8 Closing — Concluding Clause 67
4.1.9 Closing — Signature Block 68
4.2 Document Provisions 69
4.2.1 Primary or Main Commercial Provisions 71
4.2.2 Secondary, or Other Commercial and Legal Pro-visions 76
4.2.3 Tertiary, or Boilerplating and Miscellaneous Provisions 90
Appendix I Document Design 101
1.Alignment 101
2.Bulleting 102
3.Colour 102
4.Emphasis 103
5.Graphics 104
6.Headings 105
7.Indentation 105
8.Margins 106
9.Numbering 106
10.Page Breaks 109
11.Spacing 109
12.Typeface 110
Appendix Ⅱ Punctuation 113
1.Apostrophe[’] 114
2.Bracket [[]] 115
3.Capitals 115
4.Colon[:] 117
5.Comma [,] 117
6.Dash [— or —] 119
7.Full Stop [.] 119
8.Hyphen[-] 120
9.Parentheses [()] 121
10.Quotation Marks [“ ”] [‘ ’] 121
11.Semi-Colon [;] 122
Appendix Ⅲ Recommended Familiar Words and Short Phrases 123
Appendix Ⅳ Replacement of Latin Terms 129
Appendix Ⅴ Specimen Contracts 137
1.Confidentiality Agreement 137
2.Employment Agreement 139
3.Joint Venture Agreement 141
4.Loan Deed 143
5.Partnership Agreement 146
Bibliography 153