• 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 出版年份:1979
  • ISBN:9028600493
  • 页数:239 页

Chapter 1 Contemporary aspects of sovereignty over natural resources 1

1.1. Considerations on the Notion of Sovereignty 1

1.2. The State’s Role in Using Natural Resources 11

1.3. Sovereignty and National Economic Interests 15

1.4. The Correlation of Sovereignty and Natural Resources; the Quantitative Aspect of Resources 19

1.5. Political and Economic Independence—an Essential Element of Sovereignty over National Resources 22

1.6. Economic and Juridical Conditions Governing Access to Natural Resources in the Post-War Period.The Development of the Law of International Commerce. Towards Enhancing the Role of the International Court of Justice 27

1.7. GATT-UNCTAD : The Circulation of Raw Materials 32

Chapter 2 Integrationist ways and means 45

2.1. The Limits to the Renunciation of Sovereignty within the European Economic Community 45

2.2. Preserving Prerogatives of Sovereignty in the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) 55

2.3. The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) and the Integral Observance of the Principle of Full Sovereignty in the Relations between Member-States 58

Chapter 3 The influence of inter-state organizations on the exercise of sovereignty over national resources 69

3.1. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) 69

3.2 Other Inter-State Organizations for Exporting Raw Materials and Stimulating Economic Development 75

Chapter 4 The principle of permanent sovereignty over natural resources at the debates of the United Nations Organization 83

4.1. Reports of the Secretary-General 85

4.2. The Issue of Sovereignty over Resources Debated at the Economic and Social Council and at the Committee on Natural Resources 90

4.3. The Approach to the Problem at the General Assembly Ordinary Sessions 94

4.4. Permanent Sovereignty over National Resources in the Debates of the 6th and 7th Extraordinary Sessions of the General Assembly 104

4.5. The Reflection of the Principle of Sovereignty over Natural Resources in the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States. Juridical-Political Concern with Encouraging International Trade 118

4.6. A Special Issue: Maritime Resources and those in Regions Difficult of Access; Its Implications for Capitalizing these Resources 124

Chapter 5 Sovereignty over national resources and the growing development of international economic exchanges 141

5.1. The Great Confrontation of Interests: Developing States and Multi-National Corporations 141

5.2. Economic Cooperation and the Principle of Sovereignty over Natural Resources 154

5.3. Joint Companies. An Original Model of Economic Cooperation as Part of Joint Companies 170

Chapter 6 Sovereignty over national resources within the framework of a new international economic order (the Rumanian outlook) 185

6.1. Continuing a Consistent Foreign Policy 185

6.2. Decisive Factors for Establishing Sovereignty over Natural Resources 191

6.3. The Rumanian Outlook on the New Order and on Sovereignty over National Resources Reflected in Foreign Policies and International Documents 198

Conclusion 215

Select Bibliography 219

Index of Terms, Organizations, Personalities, Events, Opinions 229