Introduction 1
Part One Foundations of haw's Authority 21
1. Describing Law Normatively (2003) 23
2. Law's Authority and Social Theory's Predicament (1984) 46
3. Law as Coordination (1989) 66
4. Positivism and 'Authority' (1987) 74
Part Two Theories and Theorists of Taw 89
5. A Grand Tour of Legal Theory (2002) 91
6. Legal Philosophy: Roots and Recent Themes (1998) 157
7. The Truth in Legal Positivism (1996) 174
8. Blackstone's Theoretical Intentions (1967) 189
9. Weber, Objectivity, and Legal-Rational Authority (1985) 211
10. On Hart's Ways: Law as Reason and as Fact (2007) 230
11. Hart as a Political Philosopher (2009) 257
12. Reason and Authority in Taw's Empire (1987) 280
13. Critical Legal Studies (1985) 299
14. 'Legal Liberalism' or Tiber et Tegalis? (1986) 320
15. Individuals, Communities, and Postmodernism: Some Notes (1995) 327
Part Three Tegal Reasoning 335
16. Allocating Risks and Suffering: Some Hidden Traps (1990) 337
17. Practical Reasoning in Law: Some Clarifications (1990) 353
18. Rights: Their Logic Restated (1972) 375
19. Analogical Reasoning in Law (1994) 389
20. Adjudication and Legal Change (1999) 397
Part Four The Two Senses of'Legal System 405
21. Revolutions and Continuity of Law (1971) 407
22. Just Votes for Unjust Laws (2004) 436
Bibliography of the Works of John Finnis 467
Other Works Cited 479
Acknowledgements 489
Index 491