• 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 出版年份:1980
  • ISBN:0897790348
  • 页数:160 页

Session 1: Opening Session&Session Chairman: Sanford A. Multings Constabulery Office, Telecommunications Division,Kingston,Jamaica,Weet Indies 1

Comparing Police Communications of Five Forces in Asia&Estelle Zannes, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 1

System Engineering Laid Bare&Louis L. Taylor, Bernard Johnson Inc. Houston, Texas 7

800 MHz Trunked Radio Systems for Public Safety: Present Limitations and the Prospecta of Their Minimization&James F. DiMauro, Booze, Allen & Hamilton,Inc Tinton Falls,New Jersey 13

Session 2: Communication and Control&Session Chairman: Kenneth D. Hopper, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Holmdel, New Jersey 17

A Low-Cost Surveillance, Command, Control and Communications System for the Interception of Drug-Smuggling Aircraft&Frank Box and D. James Chadwick, Hydrotronics, Inc. McLean, Virginia 17

Vehicle Direction Sensing Radar&Fabian C. Monds, J. A. C. Stewart, R. A. Brown, J. Mallon and D. McGlade, The Queen's University of Belfast, Ireland 23

Analog Voice Privacy with a Microprocessor&Sergei Udalov, Axiomatix, Los Angeles, California 27

Computer-Aided New Dispatch System for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department&Hiroshi Ohno, Makoto Funahashi and Shiro Ohki, Communications Bureau, National Police Agency, Tokyo, Japan 39

Session 3: Recognition and Verification&Session Chairman: Carmen J.Tona, International Telephone and Telegraph, Dayton, Ohio 47

Computer Interfacing of the Rockwell International ADAP for Flexible Digital Audio Processing&Anthony M. Collins, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia 47

A Real Time Auto matic Speaker Recognition System on Mini-Computer&Cherif El Chafei, Thomson C.S.F. Coop, Paris, France 53

A Low Cost Speaker Verification Device&M. H.Kuhn and R. Geppert, Pbilips GmbH Forscbungslaboratorium, Hambung, Germany 57

External Intrusion Sensors-A Study of Performance and Compatibility&N. I. Buckley, Sborrock Security Systems Ltd. Blackburn, Lancs., England 63

Session 4: Alarm Systems&Session Chairman: Gerald Levett, Canadian Corrections Service, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 67

Computerized Site Security Monitor and Response System&Raymond T. Moore, Institute for Computer Sciences and Tecbnology, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 67

Evaluation of the GUIDAR Intrusion Detection System for the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC)&Roy D. Ball, Roy Ball Associates, Ltd., and Gerald Levett, The Correctional Service of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 73

A Centralized Alarm System for Urban and Long Distance Areas Application&Adalberto Biasiotti, Italtel, Societa Italiana Telecomunicazioni, Milan, Italy 83

The Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Long Range Alarm System&Robert DesJardin, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 89

Evening Session&&Session Chairman: Lawrence D. Sanson, General Telephone Company of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 97

White Collar Crime-Computer Abuse A Challenge to Law Enforcement&Richard J. Gallagher, Consultant, Bethesda, Maryland 97

Session ti: Detection and Identification&Session Chairman:Louis L.Taylor, Bernard Johnson,Inc.,Houston,Texas 103

Applications of Digital Image Restoration to Photographie Evidence&H. J. Trussell and T. M. Cannon, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, University of California, Los Alamos, New Mexico 103

Prospects for Computer Vision in Security Systems&Bruce L. Bullock, Hugbes Research Laboratories, Malibu, California 109

New Types of Leaky Transmission Lines for Detection and Classification of Moving Objects&M. Hamid, Naval Postgraduate School, Montercy, California 117

An Automatic Personal Verification System Based on Signature Writing Habits&William J. Hale and Bruno C. Paganini, NCR Corporation, Dayton, Ohio 121

Additional Papers Published 127

A Technological Approach to Arson Prevention&Jeffery L. Gwynne, Honeywell, Inc., Arlington Heights, Illinois 127

Spatial Filter Available for Defocus Sensing and its Applications&Suteo Tsutsumi Kohji Takemura, and Yasumasa Itakura, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Matsugasaki, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan 133

Use of LORAN-C in AVM and C2 Systems&William F. O'Halloran, Jr. and Bahar J. Uttam, JACOR, Woburn, Massachusetts 143

Adam Smith's, Countermeasure Against Crime&John S. Jackson, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 147

Facility Intrusion Detection System&Ben Barker, U. S. Army MERADCOM, and R. A. Miller, GTE Sylvania, Mountain View. California 153