• 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 出 版 社:THE MIT PRESS
  • 出版年份:2222
  • ISBN:0262621908
  • 页数:371 页

Part I: Preemption 1

A Work in Progress: The Bush Doctrine and Its Consequences 3

International Law and the Preemptive Use of Military Force 19

Prevention,Not Preemption 37

The Best Defense: Counterproliferation and U.S. National Security 50

Redefine Cooperative Security, Not Preemption 73

Part II Regime Change 87

What Justifies Regime change? 89

When to Target Leaders 103

Military Occupation: Legally Ensuring a Lasting Peace 121

Lessons from Iran 141

Part III North Korea 155

Toward a Grand Bargain with North Korea 157

China and the Korean Peninsula: Playing for the Long Term 171

A blueprint for U.S. Policy Toward a Unified Korea 187

Focus on the Future,Not the North 205

Part IV Iran 225

Confronting Terrorism 227

Debating Iran’s Nuclear Aspirations 246

Continuous Regime Change From Within 265

Understanding Iran: Getting Past Stereotypes and Mythology 283

Part V Iraq After Saddam 301

Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Iraq 303

Democracy in Iraq? 317

Can Federalism Stabilize Iraq? 339

Not in My Backyard: Iraq’s Neighbors Interests 357