Chapter. 1: History unleashed 1
Five Centuries of History Coming Undone 2
Gobbledygook and the Gorilla 7
Mental Maps and Paradoxical certainties 8
Making Sense of a Transformative Era 13
Sect. 1: What's happening? : predicting the present 17
Chapter. 2: Clarity and craziness 21
Clarity 21
Craziness 35
Chapter. 3: Secular and sacred 45
Secular 45
Sacred 54
Chapter. 4: Power and vulnerability 65
Power 65
Vulnerability 77
Chapter. 5: Technology acceleration and pushback 85
Technology Acceleration 85
Pushback 96
Chapter. 6: Intangible and physical economies 105
Intangible 105
Physical 119
Chapter. 7: Prosperity and decline 131
Prosperity 131
Decline 143
Chapter. 8: People and planet 153
People 153
Planet 171
Sect. 2: What if? : changing for the challenges ahead 181
Chapter. 9: Governance 189
An Emerging Global Governance 191
Local Innovations in Governance 196
A rising Second Superpower 199
Chapter. 10: Innovation 201
Innovating for the Base of the Pyramid 201
Sustainable solutions 207
Education and Learning 211
Sect. 3: What's next? : scenarios for the next decade 219
Chapter. 11: Three snapshots of the future 229
New American century 229
Patchwork Powers 234
Emergence 239
Sect. 4: So what? : acting in an era of transformation 245
Chapter. 12: Creating our new future 247
The New Realities for Business 247
Endnots 265
Afterword : using this book in your life and work 295