• 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:2222
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:325 页

1 The Arthropod Plan 1

Segmentation and Tagmosis 2

Exoskeleton 4

Size 6

Speciation 7

Arthropod Classes 9

Questions 23

2 The Insect Externally 24

The Head 24

The Thorax 38

The Abdomen 50

Questions 54

3 The Insect Internally 55

Digestive System 55

Circulatory System 62

Respiratory System 63

Muscular System 67

Excretory System 71

Nervous System 72

Reproductive System 76

Questions 84

4 Development and Specialization 86

Embryology 86

Post-embryonic Development 89

Endocrine System 100

Questions 107

5 Ecology 108

Aquatic Environment 108

Terrestrial Environment 119

Population Dynamics 129

Questions 137

6 Behavlor 138

Rhythms 139

Locating Food and Initiating Feeding 140

Locating Mates and Copulation 142

Oviposition 149

Orientation 151

Migration 152

Concealing Coloration 153

Revealing Coloration 159

Mimicry 163

Questions 168

7 From Solitary to Social 169

Isoptera (Termites) 174

Hymenoptera (Social Wasps, Ants, Social Bees) 181

Questions 193

8 Insects, Plants, and Humans 194

Beneficial Aspects 194

Detrimental Aspects 206

Insect Control 215

Questions 227

9 Classification 228

Collembola 236

Thysanura 237

Ephemeroptera 238

Odonata 239

Orthoptera 241

Isoptera 246

Dermaptera 247

Plecoptera 248

Psocoptera 249

Mallophaga 250

Anoplura 251

Thysanoptera 252

Hemiptera 253

Homoptera 258

Neuroptera 262

Coleoptera 265

Hymenoptera 272

Mecoptera 279

Trichoptera 280

Lepidoptera 281

Siphonaptera 287

Diptera 288

Making a Representative Collection of Insects 295

Glossary 303

Selected References 309

Index 316