1. Introduction: Minimizing Harm as a Solution to the Crime Policy Conundrum 1
2. Public Attitudes Toward Crime: Is American Violence a Crime Problem? 35
Comment: When and for Whom Is Violence a Crime Problem? 58
Comment: Crime, Violence, and Public Mythology 63
3. Prevention: The Cost-Effectiveness of Early Intervention as a Strategy for Reducing Violent Crime 67
Comment: Early Intervention: Promising Path to Cost-Effective Crime Control, or Primrose Path to Wasteful Social Spending? 90
Comment: Can We Afford to Prevent Violence? Can We Afford Not To? 101
4. Alternative Sanctions: Diverting Nonviolent Prisoners to Intermediate Sanctions: The Impact on Prison Admissions and Corrections Costs 115
Comment: Net Repairing: Rethinking Incarceration and Intermediate Sanctions 150
Comment: Intermediate Punishment 165
5. Drug Policy: Drug Enforcement, Violent Crime, and the Minimization of Harm 171
Comment: The Ambiguities of Harm Reduction in Crime and Drug Policy 197
Comment: Breaking the Impasse in American Drug 203
About the Editor and Contributors 209