• 购买积分:16 如何计算积分?
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:2222
  • ISBN:0898748542
  • 页数:508 页

1 Introduction 1

2 The problem of Identity 9

3 Equipment for Police Investigation in the Field 18

Equipment for Observation and Record 19

Equipment for Collection and Preservation of Evidence 22

4 The Collection of Physical Evidence 33

The Crime Scene 35

The Victim 43

The Suspect 46

Alternative Procedures 48

5 Casts and Replicas 50

Plaster Casts 50

Detail Casts 53

Wax Impressions 55

Thermoplastic Casting 55

Miscellaneous Casts 56

6 Fingerprints 59

Routine Fingerprinting 62

Latent Prints 63

Comparison of Prints 69

Computerization of Prints 72

7 Tracks and Trails 74

Shoeprints 74

Tire Treads 80

Comparison Standards 82

Miscellaneous Tracks 83

Trails 83

8 Photography 85

Photography and the Police 85

The Camera 86

Films 94

Illumination 96

Color vs Black-and-White Photographs 101

Motion Pictures vs Still Photographs 102

Developing Negatives and Prints 102

Small-Object Photography 103

Interpreting Photographs 104

General Considerations 105

9 Preliminary Examination of Microscopic Evidence 107

Sweepings 107

Sorting of Microscopic Evidence 108

Relation to Large Items of Evidence 110

Value of Microscopic Evidence 110

10 Clothing and Cloth 112

Special Items of Clothing 114

Cloth as Evidence 117

11 Fibers 124

Collection of Fibers 125

Fibers in Sweepings 126

Types of Textile Fibers 126

Uses and Limitations of Fiber Evidence 134

Unusual and Nontextile Fibers 134

12 Ropes, Cordage, and Packaging Material 136

Materials of Construction 137

Rope 137

Cords and Strings 138

Packaging Material 140

13 Hair 143

Morphology of Hair 144

Chemistry of Hair 151

Physical Properties of Hair 155

Collection of Questioned Hairs 157

Preliminary Examination of Hair 159

Human Hair vs Other Animal Hair 160

The Future of Human Hair as Evidence 165

14 Blood: Physical Investigation 167

Blood Distribution Patterns 173

Investigation of Blood in the Field 177

15 Blood: General Testing 182

Tests for the Presence of Blood 182

Tests for Species Origin of Blood 190

Washed Bloodstains 193

Age of Bloodstains 194

16 Blood: Individual Factors 196

Blood Groups 197

Lectins 203

Blood Protein Factors 203

17 Physiological Fluids Other than Blood 207

Semen 207

Urine 211

Perspiration 212

Saliva 212

Serum 212

Stains of Mixed and Miscellaneous Origin 213

Typing of Fluids 213

18 Cosmetics 215

Cosmetics as Evidence 215

Types of Cosmetics 216

Collection of Cosmetic Evidence 219

Examination of Evidence 220

19 Crystalline Evidence 222

The Nature and Properties of Crystals 223

X-Ray Diffraction 226

Miscellaneous Techniques 227

20 Special Chemical Evidence 229

Investigation 231

Collection of Evidence 232

Preliminary Examination 233

Solubility 234

Inorganic Substances 235

Organic Substances 236

Dyes and Pigments 237

21 Paint 240

The Physical Nature of Paint 241

The Chemical Nature of Paint 242

Examination of Paints 245

Paint Section 245

Identification of Paint Vehicle 247

Pigment Composition 248

Pigment Distribution 252

Miscellaneous Techniques 253

22 Glass 255

Variations in Glass 257

Strength of Glass 258

Investigation Involving Glass 260

Glass Fractures 261

Glass Identity from Physical Properties 267

Chemical and Spectrographic Analysis 270

23 Soil 273

Soil Formation 274

Variability of Soil 275

Collection of Soil Samples 277

Density Distribution of Soil 277

Chemical and Spectrographic Analysis 279

24 Metals 282

Broken Metal Objects 282

Metallographic Examination 285

Restoring Serial Numbers 286

Metal Failure 290

Quantitative Analysis 291

Spectrographic Analysis 292

Electrophoretic Analysis 293

Physical Properties 293

Chemical Properties 294

Metals in Fires 296

25 Plastics and Related Materials 298

The Nature of Plastics 298

Plastics as Physical Evidence 299

Examination of Plastics 300

Miscellaneous Similar Materials 301

Types of Plastics Commonly Found as Evidence 302

26 Vegetable Materials 310

Types of Botanical Evidence 311

27 Poisons 322

Types of Poisons 323

Investigation of Suspected Poisonings 329

Isolation and Identification of Poisons 332

28 Drugs 336

Natural Materials 338

Synthetic Materials 342

29 Alcohol 345

Physiological Aspects of Alcohol Ingestion 347

Calculation of Alcohol Levels 350

Investigation 351

30 Tool Marks 360

Types of Tool Marks 360

Investigation of Tool Marks 370

Comparison of Tool Marks 371

Investigation of Safe Burglaries 376

31 Firearms 379

Types of Firearms 381

Fundamentals of Firearms Examination 392

32 Vehicular Accidents 410

Causes of Vehicular Accidents 411

Types of Vehicular Accidents 413

Investigation 416

33 Vehicular Impact Evidence 424

Records 424

Point of Impact 427

Energy Dissipation in Accidents 430

Speed Calculations 432

Friction Coefficient (Drag Factor) 432

Brakes and Deceleration 434

Tire Marks 434

Accidents of Special Types 439

34 Physical Evidence from Fires 443

The Nature of the Action of Fire 444

Investigation of Fires 451

35 Physical Evidence from Explosions 458

Diffuse Explosions 458

Concentrated Explosions 461

Investigation of Explosions 463

Investigation of Explosive Devices 466

36 Documents 470

Types of Examination 470

Preliminary Examination 472

Exemplars 473

Copies and Photographs 477

Limitations of the Investigator 477

Physical and Chemical Examination 477

Handwriting Identification 491

Index 503