PART I Introduction 1
1: Environmental values in a globalising world 3
PART II Environmental Values and the Nation State 15
2: Globalisation and the environment : endgame or a 'new renaissance'? 17
3: Environmental values, nationalism, global citizenship and the common heritage of humanity 38
4: The enchantments and disenchantments of nature : implications for consumption in a globalised world 51
5: Relational resonance with nature : the Confucian vision 66
PART III Globalisation,Values and environmental Politics 81
6: Global liberalism, environmentalism and the changing boundaries of the political : Karl Polanyi's insights 83
7: Reconceiving environmental justice : global movements and political theories 102
8: Environmental values in a globalising world : the case of China 123
PART IV Environmental Governance and values 141
9: Interdependence, pluralism and globalisation : implications for environmental governance 143
10: The climate change regime : de jure and de facto commitment to sustainable development 159
11: Diplomacy and governance for sustainability in a partially globalised world 179
12: International environmental governance : the story so far 197
PART V Conclusion 213
13: Assuming 'responsibility for our rose' 215
14: Environmental values in the globalising world : grounds for cautious optimism 236
Index 246