1 The Argument 1
2 Ethnic Cleansing in Former Times 34
3 Two Versions of "We, the People" 55
4 Genocidal Democracies in the New World 70
5 Armenia, I: Into the Danger Zone 111
6 Armenia, II: Genocide 740
7 Nazis, I: Radicalization 180
8 Nazis, II: Fifteen Hundred Perpetrators 212
9 Nazis, III: Genocidal Careers 240
l0 Germany's Allies and Auxiliaries 279
II Communist Cleansing: Stalin, Mao, Poi Pot 318
12 Yugoslavia, I: Into the Danger Zone 353
13 Yugoslavia, II: Murderous Cleansing 382
I4 Rwanda, I: Into the Danger Zone 428
15 Rwanda, II: Genocide 449
16 Counterfactual Cases: India and Indonesia 474
17 Combating Ethnic Cleansing in the World Today 502
Works Cited 537
Index 559