1.World War I and the Global Scramble for Resources 3
2.Dependent America and the Quest for Mineral Self-Sufficiency 27
3.Minerals and the Origins of World War II 57
4.Resources for Victory 89
5.Have-Not America and the Debate Over Postwar Minerals Policy 121
6.Minerals and the Cold War 147
7.The Palely Report: A Mid-Century Minerals Survey 175
8.From Scarcity to Plenty-President Eisenhower and Cold War Minerals Polcy,1953-1963 199
9.The Scramble for Resources Renewed 237
Epilogue 257
Appendix 1 Average annual U.S. Producer Price 268
Appendix 2 Net U.S.Imports of Selected Metals and Minerals as a Percentage of Apparent Consumption 274
Notes 277
Bibliography 309
Index 337