Part. I: Institutions, process, and analytical approaches 1
1: An overview 3
2: Theorizing EU policy-making 13
3: An institutional anatomy and five policy modes 49
Part. II: Policies 91
4: The single market 93
5: Competition policy 113
6: Economic and monetary union 141
7: Agricultural policy 161
8: The budget 191
9: Cohesion and the structural funds 213
10: Social policy 243
11: Employment policy 279
12: Environmental policy 305
13: Biotechnology policy 329
14: Fisheries policy 353
15: Trade policy 377
16: Eastern enlargement 401
17: Foreign and security policy 429
18: Justice and home affairs 457
Part. III: Conclusions 481
19: Post-sovereign governance 483
References 505
Index 549