《英美报刊选读 第2次修订》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:黎秀石编著
  • 出 版 社:长沙:湖南教育出版社
  • 出版年份:1985
  • ISBN:7535503314
  • 页数:347 页

第一单元 引言 1

1.Newspaper English 3

2.English by Newspaper 9

第二单元 读报第一要领——看新闻出处 18

1.Gorbachev Hails Poll’s Big Turnout 22

2.Poland on the First Step to Democracy 26

3.Evans Quits as Times Editor 30

4.The Establishment Paper Where the Losses Go On and On 33

5.How Whitehall Managed the News 39

第三单元 读报第二要领——抓重点(一) 50

第一部分:标题与导语 52

第二部分:在新闻栏外找资料 62

1.Stepping On Peking’s Toes 62

2.China’s Greek Chorus 68

3.UK Oil Self-Sufficiency To End This Year 74

4.Obituary:E.H.Carr:The History of Russia 79

第四单元 读报第二要领——抓重点(二) 84

1.Hitler Diaries Forger Opens Fakes Gallery 86

2.A $ 3 Billion Gamble 90

3.Cuban Rights, Even Today: Not So Libre 96

4.AIDS—The Risk to Heterosexuals 102

5.Soviets Revive Gigantic Plan to Water Asian Deserts with Siberian Rivers 110

第五单元 读报第三要领——带着问题读(一) 116

1.Conquering the USSR’s Wild East, But the Heroes Are a Bit Tired 117

2.Soviet Rail Link Builds Trade Hope 127

3.A 15-Year Cover-Up in Britain 131

4.Government Warning to Ex-Spy Sets Off Political Storm in Britain 135

5.Britain: Finding the Fourth Man 142

6.A Self-inflected Disaster 144

第六单元读报第三要领——带着问题读(二) 147

1.Jaruzelski Reportedly Threatened to Quit in Debate Over Solidarity 148

2.Who Runs Japan? Not Its Politicians 155

3.Pall on Trial:Why Weren’t the Victim’s Cries Heeded? 163

4.Hinckley, Insane, Is Innocent 168

5.Six Shots at a Nation’s Heart 171

第七单元 外国游客在中国 187

1.A Walled City Clings on to Another Age 188

2.Skyjack Over Shanghai 195

3.A Cook’s Tour of China 209

第八单元 外国人看中国问题(一) 222

1.China Announces New Rules on Firms to Control Inflation 224

2.Ex-US Police Chief Lectures Top Cadets in China 227

3.China’s Legal Loopholes 231

4.China Tries Private Housing 235

第九单元 外国人看中国问题(二) 239

1.Keep Working with Peking 240

2.China Halts Experiment in Liberalization 248

3.Dancing Off to China 253

第十单元 外刊论香港问题 264

1.Hong Kong: Destined as China’s New York 265

2.Reform on Mainland: ‘the Key to Hongkong Future’ 272

3.China to seek Loan for New Pipelines 275

4.Judge Slams Absence of Translation Service in Hongkong 278

第十一单元 看经济新闻 281

1.Market Fall Greets Bush Budget Plans 284

2.Dollar Hits New Highs 287

3.Wall Street Takes a Dive 291

4.Tanker Index Rises 2 points; Most Area Rates Up 295

第十二单元 看科技新闻 298

1.Are the Sexes Reaching Parity in Longevity? 300

2.Computerized Home Education Movement to Take Off 307

3.West Germany Turned Off by Krnow-It-All Television 313

第十三单元 看国际新闻 319

1.Vietnam Vows to Hold on to the Spratlys 321

2.How Khomeini Made Gorbachev See Red 324

3.Bhutto Labels Gandhi’s Missile Charge a ‘Hiccup’ 326

4.A ‘Lesson’ Which Changed the History of Kampuchea 329

第十四单元 广告与漫画 332

编后感 346