• 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 出 版 社:INC.
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:199 页

Chapter 1 A Forensic and Social Approach to Drug-Facilitated Crimes&Munevver Acikkol, Selda Mercan and Neylan Ziyalar 1

Chapter 2 Violent Crime in South Africa: Is the Subculture of Apartheid to Blame?&Gregory Dennis Breetzke 43

Chapter 3 Do Actors Bias the Judgments of Lie Detectors More Than Non-Actors?&Eitan Elaad, Tomer Gilboa and Israel Nachson 69

Chapter 4 Fixers and Corruption: Shadow 'Public Servants'&Yaron Zelekha and Simcha B. Werner 93

Chapter 5 The Event Effect: Demonstrating the Impact of Denominator Selection on 'Floor' and 'Ceiling'Crime Rate Estimates in the Context of Public Events&Justin Kurland and Paula Kautt 115

Chapter 6 The Rate of White Collar Crime:The Hot Spot of White Collar Crime In Sweden during the 2000 Decade&Tage Alalehto 145

Chapter 7 The Chasm between Law Enforcement and Digital Crime&Greg Gogolin 159

Chapter 8 Reduce Crime Statistics-Educate Prisoners Behind Bars&James Vacca 173

Index 185