Part Ⅰ: The Rights and Wrongs of Reproduction 1
1. The Limits of Rights-based Discourse&MARY WARNOCK 3
2. Choosing Who: What is Wrong with Making Better Children?&THOMAS BALDWIN 15
3. Disability, Enhancement and the Harm-Bene№it Continuum&LISA BORTOLOTTI AND JOHN HARRIS 31
Part Ⅱ: Social Conceptions and Legal Regulation of Families and Family-making 51
4. Genes, Genealogies and Paternity: Making Babies in the Twenty-first Century&MARTIN RICHARDS 53
5. The Contingency of the ‘Genetic Link’ in Constructions of Kinship and Inheritance—An Anthropological Perspective&ALISON SHAW 73
6. Regulating the Science and Therapeutic Application of Human Embryo Research: Managing the Tension Between Biomedical Creativity and Public Concern&MARTIN H JOHNSON 91
7.Defining Parenthood&BONNIE STEINBOCK 107
Part Ⅲ: Reproductive Autonomy and Parenthood 129
8.Parenting by Being; Parenting by Doing - In Search of Principles for Founding Families&JUDITH MASSON 131
9.Birthrights? The Rights and Obligations Associated with the Birth of a Child&ANDREW BAINHAM 157
10.Reproductive Choice: Men’s Freedom and Women’s Responsibility?&SALLY SHELDON 175
Index 197