Chapter 1. Regulation of Voluntary Disclosure 1
Section A. The Common Law Approach— Fraudulent Misrepre-sentations, Omissions and Other Devices 1
Section B. The Statutory Approach—Federal and State 34
Section C. Constitutional Limitations on Advertising Regulation 106
Chapter 2. Compulsory Disclosure of Information 123
Section A. Introduction 123
Section B. Disclosure in Credit Transactions: The Truth in Lend-ing Act 134
Section C. Disclosure in Other Transactions 208
Section D. An Evaluation—Effectiveness of Mandatory Disclosure 217
Chapter 3. Abuses at the Formation of the Contract 221
Section A. The Deal That Is "Too Good to Be True"—Bait and Switch 221
Section B. The Deal That Contemplates Finding Other Suckers—Pyramid Schemes and Referral Sales 238
Section C. In-Home Solicitations and the "Cooling Off’ Period 249
Section D. What Are the Terms of the Deal?—Herein of Shrin-kwrap, Clickwrap, Browsewrap and "Rolling" Con-tracts 260
Chapter 4. Assuring Access to the Market 279
Section A. Credit Reporting 279
Section B. Credit Discrimination 325
Section C. Perspectives: An Evaluation of the Costs and Benefits of Regulation of Access to the Market 396
Chapter 5. Privacy and Consumer Transactions: Solicita-tions and the Collection of Information About Con- sumers 399
Section A. Foundation 399
Section B. Personalized Solicitations 408
Section C. Sale of Consumer Information 435
Section D. Online Privacy 442
Section E. Perspectives 453
Chapter 6. Consumer Accounts: Credit and Debit Cards,and More 456
Section A. Overview 456
Section B. Marketing Credit Cards and Other Payment Services 457
Section C. The "Account" Paradigm: Changes in Terms; Fees and More Fees 470
Section D. Billing Disputes: Account (Mis)management 484
Section E. Unauthorized Use 495
Section F. Emerging Payment Systems and Issues 512
Chapter 7. Cutting Off Consumer Claims and Defenses: Consumer Product Warranties and Third Party Fi-nancing 524
Section A. Introduction 524
Section B. Consumer Product Warranties: The Quest for an Effec-tive Remedy 526
Section C. The Demise (and Rebirth?) of Special Protection to Third-Party Lenders (Holders in Due Course) 584
Chapter 8. Abusive Collection Practices 619
Section A. Foundation 619
Section B. Controls on Collection Abuses Under the Common Law and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act 630
Section C. Special Issues Arising Under the FDCPA (Lawyers Be- ware: Liability Lies Ahead) 656
Section D. Foreclosing on Security 673
Chapter 9. Predatory Lending (Including Pricing Issues) 681
Section A. Foundation 681
Section B. Perhaps the Oldest Form of Predatory Lending Regula- tion: Usury Laws 681
Section C. General Predatory Lending Statutes 689
Section D. Special Predatory Lending Issues 729
Section E. Perspectives 766
Chapter 10. Private Enforcement of Consumer Rights 768
Section A. How Do Dissatisfied Consumers Behave? 769
Section B. Approaches to Make Dispute Resolution More Afforda-ble for Consumers 772
Section C. Arbitration 804