1 Introduction: policy challenges to international law,security and ethics in the post-9/11 world&ANDREW MUMFORD AND NATASHA KUHRT 1
PARTⅠ Framing the issue 7
2 Terrorism, security and international law&NIGEL WHITE 9
3 Al Qaeda and networked international insurgency&ANDREW MUMFORD 31
4 Ethical and legal reasoning about war in a time of terror&JAMES CONNELLY AND DON CARRICK 44
PART Ⅱ International law and security 59
5 Law and war in the global war on terror&JAMES GOW AND RACHEL KERR 61
6 Security, discretion and international law&AIDAN HEHIR 79
7 The human security agenda after 9/11:from humanitarian intervention to peacebuilding&NATASHA KUHRT 95
PARTⅢ Self-defence 109
8 Principles of pre-emption: a commentary on issues and scenarios for self-defence in the 21st century&JAMES GOW 111
9 Who killed the right to self-defence?&THOMAS JONES 129
10 Computer network attacks, self-defence and international law&ELAINE KORZAK 147
11 Conclusion:war,law and ethics&AIDAN HEHIR 164
Notes 170
Bibliography 195
Index 199