Section 1:Electronic Commerce 1
1. Contractual Aspects of Electronic Commerce&Stuart Weinstein 3
2. Commercial Conflict of Laws&Charles Wild 21
3. Domain Names,Trade Marks and Passing Off&Stuart Weinstein 71
4. Copyright,Patents and the Internet&Stuart Weinstein 107
5. e-Marketing and Libel Over the Internet&Stuart Weinstein 141
6. Cloud Computing&Karen McCullagh 165
7. Virtual Worlds&Maeina Hamilton 183
Section 2: e-Finance 195
8. Key Principles of e-Finance&Charles Wild 197
9. Payment Cards and the Internet&Charles Wild 231
10. Electronic Cash and Smart Cards&Charles Wild 261
11. Online Gambling&Marina Hamilton 293
Section 3:Cybercrime 305
12. Cybercrime&Neil MacEwan 307
13. Cyber Warfare Case Study:Sun Tzu’s The Art of War and the Dilemma of Anonymity&Stuart Weinstein,Pauline Reich,Charles Wild and Allan Cabanlong 383
Section 4:Infrastructure:Regulation and Access 397
14. The Regulatory Framework Directive 2002/21/EC&Neal Geach 399
15. Conditions of Network and Service Provision:The Authorisation Directive 2002/20/EC&Neal Geach 439
16. Commercial Access:Access and Interconnection Directive 2002/19/EC&Neal Geach 451
17. Consumer Access and Rights:The Universal Service Directive 2002/22/EC&Neal Geach 469
Section 5: Spectrum and m-Commerce 499
18. Spectrum&Neal Geach 501
19. The Evolution of m Commerce: Nokia Case Study&Charles Wild 519
20. Regulating Audiovisual Media Services: The Audiovisual Media Services Directive 2010/13/EU&Neal Geach 527
Index 563