Manufacture of Aluminum Nanocomposites:A Critical Review&C.Borgonovo and D.Apelian 1
Micro-Chemistry and Mechanical Behaviour of Ti6A14V-SiCf Composite Produced by HIP for Aeronautical Applications&P.Deodati,R.Donnini,S.Kaciulis,M.Kazemian-Abyaneh,A.Mezzi,R.Montanari,C.Testani and N.Ucciardello 23
Simulation of the Mechanical Behaviour of Metal Matrix Composites&S.Schmauder,U.Weber,A.Reuschel and M.Willert 49
Dry Sliding Behaviour of Peo (Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation) Treated AA 2618/20% A12O3p Composite&L.Ceschini,C.Martini,G.Sambogna and F.Tarterini 61
Strengthening Evaluation in a Composite Mg-RE Alloy Using TEM&M.Cabibbo 75
Friction Welding of Particle Reinforced Aluminium Based Composites&L.Ceschini,A.Morri and F.Rotundo 85
Hot Drilling of Aluminium Matrix Composite&R.Donnini,L.Santo and V.Tagliaferri 95
Effect of Mechanical Mould Vibration on Solidifiication Behaviour and Microstructure of A360-SiCp Metal-Matrix Composites&G.Timelli,E.Della Corte and F.Bonollo 105
Processing of Lightweight Metal Matrix Composites via In Situ Gas/Liquid Reaction&C.Borgonovo and D.Apelian 115
Effects of Reinforcement Parameters on Fatigue Strength of Aluminium-Based Particulate-Reinforced Composites&M.Vedani 125
Production and Characterization of Aluminum Iron Powder Composites with Ferromagnetic Properties&S.Amadori,E.Bonetti,E.G.Campari and L.Pasquini 135
Comparison between Roll Diffusion Bonding and Hot Isostatic Pressing Production Processes of Ti6Al4V-SiC f Metal Matrix Composites&C.Testani,F.Ferraro,P.Deodati,R.Donnini,R.Montanari,S.Kaciulis and A.Mezzi 145
Keyword Index 155
Author Index 157