Decisions of the European Commission of Human Rights on the admissibility of applications 1
Ⅰ.W.,X.,Y.and Z.against Belgium (Applications Nos.6745/74 and 6746/74) 2
1.Decision of 30 May 1975 2
2.Questions 7
3.Bibliographical note 7
Ⅱ.X.against the United Kingdom (Application No.7140/75) 8
1.Decision of 8 October 1976 8
2.Questions 10
3.Bibliographical note 10
Ⅲ.Lindsay and others against the United Kingdom (Application No.8364/78) 11
1.Decision of 8 March 1979 11
2.Questions 17
3.Bibliographical note 18
Ⅳ.Confederation francaise democratique du travail against the European Communities,alternatively:ther Member States (a) jointly and (b) severally (Application No.8030/77) 19
1.Decision of 10 July 1978 19
2.Appendix :Joint Declaration by the European Parliament,the Council and the Commission of the European Communities 24
3.Questions 25
4.Bibliographical note 26
Ⅴ.Sacchi against Italy (Application No.6452/74) 28
1.Decision of 12 March 1976 28
2.Questions 34
3.Bibliographical note 35
Ⅵ.X.against Iceland (Application No.6825/74) 36
1.Decision of 18 May 1976 36
2.Questions 39
3.Bibliographical note 40
Ⅶ.Andreas Baader,Holger Meins,Ulrike Marie Meinhof and Wolfgang Grundmann against the Federal Republic of Germany (Application No.6166/73) 41
1.Decision of 30 May 1975 41
2.Questions 47
3.Bibliographical note 47
Ⅷ.Gudrun Ensslin,Andreas Baader and Jan Raspe against the Federal Republic of Germany (Applications Nos.7572/76,7586/76 and 7587/76) 48
1.Decision of 8 July 1978 49
2.Questions 70
3.Bibliographical note 72
1.Friendly settlements reached by the parties outside the procedure provided for under Articles 28 (b) and 30 of the Convention 73
Ⅸ.N.V.Televizier against the Netherlands (Application No.2690/65) 74
1.Report of 3 October 1968 74
2.Questions 79
3.Bibliographical note 79
Ⅹ.Karnell and Hardt against Sweden (Application No.4733/71) 80
1.Report of 28 May 1973 80
2.Questions 89
3.Bibliographical note 90
2.Friendly settlements achieved by the European Commission of Human Rights under Articles 28 (b) and 30 of the Convention 91
Ⅺ.Amekrane against the United Kingdom (Application No.5961/72) 92
1.Report of 19 July 1974 92
2.Questions 95
3.Bibliographical note 95
Ⅻ.Dr.Gussenbauer against Austria (Applications Nos.4897/71 and 5219/71) 96
1.Report of 8 October 1974 96
2.Questions 103
3.Bibliographical note 103
1.Decisions of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe 104
ⅩⅢ.Huber against Austria (Application No.4517/70) 105
1.Report of the Commission of 8 February 1973 105
2.Questions 130
3.Resolution DH (75) 2 of the Committee of Ministers,adopted on 15 April 1975 131
4.Questions 132
5.Bibliographical note 133
ⅩⅣ.Denmark,Norway,Sweden and the Netherlands against Greece (Applications Nos.332 1,3322,3323,3344/67) "The Greek Case" 134
1.Introduction 134
2.Report of the Commission of 5 November 1969 136
3.Questions 161
4.Resolutions of the Committee of Ministers 163
(a) Resolution (69) 51 (1) on Greece adopted on 12 December 1969 163
(b) Resolution DH (70) 1 (1) on the Greek Case,adopted on 15 April 1970 164
(c) Resolution DH (74) 2 (1) on the Greek Case adopted on 26 November 1974 168
5.Questions 169
6.Bibliographical note 170
2.Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights 171
ⅩⅤ.Lawless case 172
1.Judgment of 14 November 1960 172
2.Judgment of 7 April 1961 174
3.Questions 175
4.Bibliographical note 176
ⅩⅥ.De Wilde,Ooms and Versyp cases ("Vagrancy cases") 177
1.Judgment of 18 November 1970 177
2.Questions 179
3.Bibliographical note 180
ⅩⅦ.Lawless case 181
1.Judgment of 1 July 1961 181
2.Questions 194
3.Bibliographical note 194
ⅩⅧ.De Wilde,Ooms and Versyp cases ("Vagrancy cases") 195
1.Judgment of 18 June 1971 195
2.Questions 225
3.Bibliographical note 227
ⅩⅨ.Ringeisen case 228
1.Judgment of 16 July 1971 228
2.Judgment of 22 June 1972 228
3.Judgment of 23 June 1973 235
4.Appendix:De Wilde,Ooms and Versyp cases,Judgment of 10 March 1972 240
5.Questions 242
6.Bibliographical note 243
ⅩⅩ.Golder case 244
1.Judgment of 21 February 1975 244
2.Resolution (76) 35 of the Committee of Ministers,adopted on 22 June 1976 259
3.Questions 261
4.Bibliographical note 262
ⅩⅪ.National Union of Belgian Police case 263
1.Judgment of 27 October 1975 263
2.Questions 271
3.Bibliographical note 271
ⅩⅫ.Schmidt and Dahlstrom case 272
1.Judgment of 6 February 1976 272
2.Questions 279
3.Bibliographical note 280
ⅩⅩⅢ.Case of Engel and others 281
1.Judgment of 8 June 1976 281
2.Resolution (77) 10 of the Committee of Ministers,adopted on 20 April 1977 309
3.Questions 311
4.Bibliographical note 313
ⅩⅩⅣ.Case of Klass and others 314
1.Judgment of 6 September 1978 314
2.Questions 335
3.Bibliographical note 336
ⅩⅩⅤ.Sunday Times case 337
1.Judgment of 26 April 1979 337
2.Questions 369
3.Bibliographical note 371
ⅩⅩⅥ.Marckx case 372
1.Judgment of 13 June 1979 372
2.Questions 392
3.Bibliographical note 393
ⅩⅩⅦ.Airey case 394
1.Judgment of 9 October 1979 394
2.Questions 405
3.Bibliographical note 406
ⅩⅩⅧ.Artico case 407
1.Judgment of 13 May 1980 407
2.Resolution DH (80) 3 of the Committee of Ministers,adopted on 17 December 1980 418
3.Questions 419
4.Bibliographical note 419