• 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 出 版 社:ROUTLEDGE
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:0415668638
  • 页数:250 页

1 Dangerousness and the dangerous offender 1

Introduction 1

Existing definitions 1

Historical and sociological constructions of the dangerous offender 3

Current constructions of the dangerous offender 7

Conclusion 11

2 Sentencing policy and dangerousness legislation 13

Introduction 13

Early dangerousness laws 13

Current legislation and policy 19

Discussion 26

Efficacy 31

Conclusion 32

3 From dangerousness to risk and risk assessment 33

Introduction 33

Risk and its importance in penal practice 33

The assessment of risk 35

Methods of risk assessment 36

Problems with risk assessment 40

Current risk-assessment tools 42

Conclusion 50

4 The use of imprisonment 51

Introduction 51

Sentences of the court 51

Prison categorisation 52

Serving a life sentence 53

The high-security estate 55

Close supervision centres 56

Therapeutic communities 60

Release and recall 71

Conclusion 77

5 Strategies of risk management 78

Introduction 78

The use of registers 78

Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements 87

Polygraph testing 91

Satellite tracking technology 95

Civil orders 98

Conclusion 104

6 Strategies of risk reduction 106

Introduction 106

Psychotherapy 106

Surgical interventions 117

Pharmacotherapy 118

Restorative justice techniques 123

Conclusion 128

7 Women offenders 130

Introduction 130

The prevalence of dangerous women offenders 130

Views and perceptions 132

Risk assessment 134

Imprisonment 138

Risk-reduction strategies 146

Conclusion 150

8 Children and young people 151

Introduction 151

Prevalence 151

Welfare versus punishment 152

Sentencing policy 155

The age of criminal responsibility 157

Youth court 159

Available sentences 162

Risk assessment 165

The juvenile secure estate 167

Risk-management strategies 176

Risk-reduction strategies 177

Conclusion 179

9 Mentally disordered offenders 180

Introduction 180

Definition, prevalence and public perceptions 180

Criminal justice issues 184

Sentencing policy 186

Risk assessment 189

High-secure hospitals 190

Release 192

Risk-management strategies 194

Risk-reduction strategies 195

Conclusion 205

Notes 206

References 209

Index 237