Miniature 1. Fibonacci Numbers, Quickly 1
Miniature 2. Fibonacci Numbers, the Formula 3
Miniature 3. The Clubs of Oddtown 5
Miniature 4. Same-Size Intersections 7
Miniature 5. Error-Correcting Codes 11
Miniature 6. Odd Distances 17
Miniature 7. Are These Distances Euclidean? 19
Miniature 8. Packing Complete Bipartite Graphs 23
Miniature 9. Equiangular Lines 27
Miniature 10. Where is the Triangle? 31
Miniature 11. Checking Matrix Multiplication 35
Miniature 12. Tiling a Rectangle by Squares 39
Miniature 13. Three Petersens Are Not Enough 41
Miniature 14. Petersen, Hoffman-Singleton, and Maybe 57 45
Miniature 15. Only Two Distances 51
Miniature 16. Covering a Cube Minus One Vertex 55
Miniature 17. Medium-Size Intersection Is Hard To Avoid 57
Miniature 18. On the Difficulty of Reducing the Diameter 61
Miniature 19. The End of the Small Coins 67
Miniature 20. Walking in the Yard 71
Miniature 21. Counting Spanning Trees 77
Miniature 22. In How Many Ways Can a Man Tile a Board? 85
Miniature 23. More Bricks--More Walls? 97
Miniature 24. Perfect Matchings and Determinants 107
Miniature 25. Turning a Ladder Over a Finite Field 113
Miniature 26. Counting Compositions 119
Miniature 27. Is It Associative? 125
Miniature 28. The Secret Agent and the Umbrella 131
Miniature 29. Shannon Capacity of the Union: A Tale of Two Fields 139
Miniature 30. Equilateral Sets 147
Miniature 31. Cutting Cheaply Using Eigenvectors 153
Miniature 32. Rotating the Cube 163
Miniature 33. Set Pairs and Exterior Products 171
Index 179