Introduction—The Human Rights Revolution in Criminal Evidence and Procedure&Paul Roberts and Jill Hunter 1
1.A Constitutional Revolution in South African Criminal Procedure?&PJ Schwikkard 25
2.Human Rights in Hong Kong Criminal Trials&Simon NM Young 55
3.Right to Counsel During Custodial Interrogation in Canada:Not Keeping Up with the Common Law Joneses&Christine Boyle and Emma Cunliffe 79
4.Degrading Searches and Illegally Obtained Evidence in the Malaysian Criminal Justice System&Salim Farrar 103
5.Human Rights, Constitutional Law and Exclusionary Safeguards in Ireland&John Jackson 119
6.The Exclusion of Evidence Obtained by Violating a Fundamental Right: Pragmatism Before Principle in the Strasbourg Jurisprudence&Andrew Ashworth 145
7.Normative Evolution in Evidentiary Exclusion: Coercion,Deception and the Right to a Fair Trial&Paul Roberts 163
8.Ozymandias On Trial: Wrongs and Rights in DNA Cases&Jeremy Gans 195
9.Delayed Complaint, Lost Evidence and Fair Trial: Epistemic and Non-epistemic Concerns&David Hamer 215
10.‘Give Us What You Have’—Information, Compulsion and the Privilege Against Self-Incrimination as a Human Right&Andrew L-T Choo 239
11.The Presumption of Innocence as a Human Right&Hock Lai Ho 259
12.Confronting Confrontation&Mike Redmayne 283
13.Human Deliberation in Fact-Finding and Human Rights in the Law of Evidence&Craig R Callen 309
14.Reliability, Hearsay and the Right to a Fair Trial in New Zealand&Chris Gallavin 327
15.Finessing the Fair Trial for Complainants and the Accused:Mansions of Justice or Castles in the Air?&Terese Henning and Jill Hunter 347
16.Human Rights, Cosmopolitanism and the Scottish ‘Rape Shield’&Peter Duff 369
Index 391