A. Investigations—General 3
B. Hypnosis 7
C. Animal Aids 8
D. Recovery of Submerged Evidence 11
E. Sting Operations 12
F. Locating and Identifying Suspects 17
G. Surveillance 23
H. Apprehensions 24
I. Prisoner Restraints 28
J. Prisoner Transport 33
K. Concealed Firearms 35
L. Concealed Cutting and Stabbing Devices 38
M. Concealed Weapons in Vehicles 40
N. Concealed Escape Tools 41
O. Sources of Information 41
P. Miscellaneous Identification Information 46
Q. Photography 48
R. Metal Detectors 59
S. General Investigative Equipment 61
A. Skin Prints 69
1. Latent Value 69
2. Locating Latents 71
3. Latent Types 73
4. Powders and Chemicals 75
5. Processing Latents 78
6. Latent Equipment 85
7. Comparison Prints 86
8. Postmortem Prints 91
B. Footwear Marks 92
C. Tire Marks 96
D. Tool Marks 100
E. Firearms 105
F. Casting and Molding 117
G. Dental and Bone 129
H. Hair, Fur, Feathers and Fibers 133
I. Dust, Dirt and Debris 136
J. Plastics 139
K. Blood and Body Fluids 139
L. Semen 152
M. Saliva 154
N. Questioned Documents 156
A. Homicide 163
1. Skin Prints 163
2. Foot and Tire Marks 166
3. Tool Marks 167
4. Firearms 169
5. Dental Marks and Bones 171
6. Hair and Fibers 173
7. Wounds 176
8. Drowned Body Recovery 177
9. Investigative and Suspect MO's 180
B. Accidental Death 193
C. Suicide 200
D. Assault 210
E. Bombings 213
1. Bomb Detection 213
2. Crime Scene Processing 217
3. Cases 221
4. General 224
F. Arson 225
1. Noncriminal Causes of Fires 225
2. Arson Devices 231
3. Motives 235
4. Crime Scene Arson Indicators 238
5. Evidence Collection Equipment 241
6. Arson Evidence: Detection, Collection, and Application 247
7. Documentation 255
8. Automobile Fires 259
9. Burned Bodies 263
10. Investigative and Suspect MO's 266
G. Sex Offenses 270
1. Skin Prints 270
2. Rape Kits 270
3. Investigative and Suspect MO's 274
H. Robbery 279
1. Skin Prints 279
2. Bullet-Proof GLass 280
3. Investigative and Suspect MO's 283
I. Hit-and-Run Incidents 286
1. Skin Prints 286
2. Tool Marks 287
3. Paint 287
4. Investigative and Suspect MO's 288
J. Drug Abuse 290
1. Deaths 290
2. Hiding Places 293
3. Detection 295
4. Cannabis 304
5. Cocaine 308
6. PCP 311
7. Investigation 312
8. Investigative and Suspect MO's 319
K. Burglary/Housebreaking 321
1. Skin Prints 321
2. Foot and Tire Marks 324
3. Tool Marks 325
4. Safe Burglaries 326
5. Investigative and Suspect MO's 330
L. Larcenies 339
1. Skin Prints 339
2. Tool Marks 340
3. Investigative and Suspect MO's 342
M. Fraud 350
N. Computers 354
1. Specific Offenses 354
2. Future Offense Possibilities 359
3. Legal Aspects 361
4. Investigation 363
O. Miscellaneous Crimes 369
Subject Index 373