• 购买积分:17 如何计算积分?
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:571 页

Introduction 1

1 ODR: A Look at History - A Few Thoughts About the Present and Some Speculation About the Future &Ethan Katsh 9

2 Online Dispute Resolution and the Development of Theory &Leah Wing and Daniel Rainey 23

3 Lessons from Online Dispute Resolution for Dispute Systems Design &Orna Rabinovich-Einy and Ethan Katsh 39

4 Artificial Intelligence and Online Dispute Resolution &Arno R. Lodder and John Zeleznikow 61

5 Mobiles and ODR: Why We Should Care &Sanjana Hattotuwa 83

6 Knitting the Security Blanket for New Market Opportunities - Estab-lishing a Global Online Dispute Resolution System for Cross-Border Online Transactions for the Sale of Goods &Vikki Rogers 95

7 ODR and E-Commerce &Aura Esther Vilalta 113

8 Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers - Online Dispute Resolu-tion Methods for Settling Business to Consumer Conflicts &Pablo Cort?s 139

9 ODR and Online Reputation Systems - Maintaining Trust and Accuracy Through Effective Redress &Colin Rule and Harpreet Singh 163

10 ODR and Culture &Daniel Rainey 185

11 ODR and Interpersonal Trust &Noam Ebner 203

12 ODR and Government &Daniel Rainey and Ethan Katsh 237

13 ODR and Justice - An Evaluation of Online Dispute Resolution's Interplay with Traditional Theories of Justice &Ruha Devanesan and Jeffrey Aresty 251

14 ODR and the Courts &Nicolas W. Vermeys and Karim Benyekhlef 295

15 Online Dispute Resolution and Ombudsmanship &Frank Fowlie 313

16 ODR and eNegotiation &Ernest Thiessen, Paul Miniato and Bruce Hiebert 329

17 e-Mediation & Noam Ebner 357

18 ODR and E-Arbitration - Trends and Challenges & Mohamed S. Abdel Wahab 387

19 ODR in North America & Arthur Pearlstein, Bryan Hanson and Noam Ebner 431

20 ODR in Europe & Marta Poblet and Graham Ross 453

21 The Promise and Reality of Online Dispute Resolution in Aus-tralia & Tania Sourdin and Chinthaka Liyanage 471

22 Online Dispute Resolution in Asia &Zhao Yun, Timothy Sze, Tommy Li and Chittu Nagarajan 499

23 Online Dispute Resolution in Latin America - Challenges and Opportunities &Gabriela R. Szlak 517

24 Online Dispute Resolution for Africa &Mohamed S. Abdel Wahab 549