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  • 作  者:DUNCAN
  • 出 版 社:FRENCH
  • 出版年份:2222
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:0 页

Part 1 The Changing Face of International Adjudication 1

1.Private Disputes and the Public Interest in International Law&Vaughan Lowe 3

2.The International Court of Justice and Environmental Disputes&Malgosia Fitzmaurice 17

3.Complaint and Grievance Mechanisms in International Dispute Settlement&Duncan French and Richard Kirkham 57

4.Stuck in the Middle With You?:Alternative Approaches to Realising Accountability for Human Rights Violations by Business&Sorcha MacLeod 87

Part 2 Problems and Techniques in Substantive Areas of International Law 109

5.Practice and Procedure of Dispute Settlement in Individual Communication Cases within the Human Rights Committee and the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women: Congruence or Conflict?&Sandy Ghandhi 111

6.Trends in Dispute Settlement in the Law of the Sea: Towards the Increasing Availability of Compulsory Means&Robin Churchill 143

7.The WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism as a New Technique for Settling Disputes in International Law&Surya P Subedi 173

8. Legal Means of Dispute Settlement in the Field of Collective Security: The Quasi-Judicial Powers of the Security Council&Nigel D White and Matthew Saul 191

9. Non-compliance Procedures and Dispute Resolution Mechanisms under International Environmental Agreements&Karen N Scott 225

10. The Antarctic Treaty after50Years&James Crawford 271

11. Cross-border Family Mediation&Kisch Beevers 297

Part 3 The Regional Dimension 319

12. Aspects of the African Court of Justice and Human Rights&Gino J Naldi 321

13. The EU, the ECHR and the Effective Protection of Human Rights for Individuals&Tawhida Ahmed 345

14. The European Court of Justice as a Constitutional Court:Implications for the EU and International Legal Orders&Paul James Cardwell 367

Bibliography of JG Merrills’work 389

Index 395