• 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 出 版 社:ASHGATE
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:329 页

1 Interview: 'In God we trust' Can Relieve Us of Trusting Each Other 1

2 'The Desperate Vacuum': Imperialism and Law in the Experience of Enlightenment 17

3 Law as Resistance 35

4 Law's Infamy 41

5 'We know what it is when you do not ask us': Nationalism as Racism 67

6 Tears or the Law: Colonial Resistance and Legal Determination 91

7 Why the Law is Also Nonviolent 115

8 'No Higher Duty': Mabo and the Failure of Legal Foundation 147

9 'Gods would be needed...': American Empire and the Rule of (International) Law 167

10 Breaking the Unity of the World: Savage Sources and Feminine Law 205

11 The Immanence of Empire 223

12 Bare Sovereignty: Homo Sacer and the Insistence of Law 249

13 Latin Roots: Imperialism and the Formation of Modern Law 275

14 'What Are the Gods to us Now?': Secular Theology and the Modernity of Law 293

Name Index 323