Introduction Wilfrid Prest 11
1. The English Legal Profession, 1450-1550&J.H. Baker 16
2. The Common Lawyers in England, c. 1558-1642&C. W. Brooks 42
3. The English Bar, 1550-1700 Wilfrid Prest 65
4. The English Bar in the Georgian Era Daniel Duman 86
5. The English Civilians, 1500-1750 Brian P. Levack 108
6. The Legal Profession in Colonial North America&Stephen Botein 129
7. The Advocates, the Law and the Nation in Early Modern Scotland Alexander Murdoch 147
8. Lawyers in Pre-revolutionary France Lenard R. Berlanstein 164
9. Lawyers and Litigation in Castile, 1500-1750&Richard L. Kagan 181
Notes on Contributors 205
Index 207