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  • 作  者:J.BLAD
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9089744096
  • 页数:282 页

1. Introduction&Rene van Swaaningen 1

1. Part Ⅰ: Beccaria’s Dream of an Effective and Legitimate Criminal Law 3

2. Part Ⅱ: Sidestepping the Punitive System 4

3. Part Ⅲ: A Close-Up of ‘Governance of Security’ Practices 4

Part Ⅰ: Beccaria’s Dream under Reconstruction 7

2. Regulating Civility, Governing Security and Policing (Dis)order under Conditions of Uncertainty&Adam Crawford 9

1. The ‘Individualisation of Risk’ 11

2. The ‘Politics of Behaviour’ 13

3. Regulation 17

4. Conditions of Uncertainty and Precaution 20

5. Contested Expertise and Evidence 28

6. Concluding Thoughts 29

3. Beccaria’s Dream on Criminal Law and Nodal Governance&Klaas Rozemond 37

1. Introduction 37

2. Nodal Governance 39

3. Beccarian Rationality 41

4. Beccarian Explanations of Crime 43

5. Beccarian Explanations of Nodal Governance 46

6. Conclusion 49

4. Legitimacy of Dutch Criminal Law in Increasingly Horizontal and Multi-Dimensional Relationships&Christine Cleiren 53

1. Introduction 53

2. The Traditional Characteristics of Dutch Criminal Law 56

3. A Changing Society 57

4. ‘Erosion’ of the Traditional Characteristics of Dutch Criminal Law 59

5. From Vertical to Horizontal Relationships in the Criminal Law 60

6. Frictions Surrounding the Shifts to More Horizontal Relationships in the Criminal Law 61

7. From One-Dimensional to Multi-Dimensional Relationships in the Criminal Law 62

8. Frictions around the Shifts to Multi-Dimensional Relationships in the Criminal Law 65

9. The Role of the State on the Nexus of the Criminal Law and Other Societal Domains 67

10. Management and Regulation in a Changed Criminal Law Landscape 68

11. Regulation of Responsibilities in the Changed (and Changing) Environment 70

12. Closing Considerations: Governing Security under the Rule of Law(Rechtsstaat) in the Future 71

5. The Judicial Branch: A Partner in the Business of Governing Security?&Ard Schoep 77

1. Understanding the Judicial Role in the Governance of Security 77

2. Some General Remarks on the Position of the Judiciary within the Context of the Rule of Law and Criminal Law (Enforcement) 79

3. Two Relational Concepts in Judicial Partnerships: Dependences and Associations 84

4. Partner in the Business of Law (Enforcement) - Exploring Judicial Partnerships in the Criminal Justice Systems in the Netherlands 86

5. The Legitimacy of the Judiciary under the Governance of Security 91

6. Conclusion 94

6. Torture as a Lesser Evil? Governing Security in Times of Terrorist Emergencies&Jean-Marc Piret 99

1. Torture and the Law 99

2. Exceptions and Emergencies 100

3. Can Interrogational Torture Be Justified in ‘Ticking Bomb’ Situations? 103

4. The Dangers of the TB Scenario as an Intellectual Framework 106

5. Is Torture Morally Worse Than Killing? 109

6. Torture and the Israeli Supreme Court 111

7. Emergencies Exceptions and the Problem of ‘Dirty Hands’:Justification or Excuse? 113

8. The Daschner Case: ‘Rescue-Torture’? 115

9. Torture and Nodal Governance 117

Part Ⅱ: Changing Perspectives in the Governance of Security 123

7. Whose Conflict Is It Anyway? A Critique of Restorative Justice&Philip Stenning 125

1. Introduction 125

2. Sources of Inspiration for Modern Restorative Justice Practices 126

3. Key Features and Principles of ‘Restorative Justice’ 127

4. A Critique 129

5. Conclusion 135

8. Restorative Justice as Criminal Justice without Threats. An Interpretative Approach to Restorative Justice Potentials for Public Safety&John Blad 139

1. The Catascopic Steering Model of Criminal Justice 141

2. Reasonable Doubts 143

3. The Production of Criminal Identities: Not Just Collateral Damage 145

4. How Restorative Justice Could Help 147

5. Brief Summary and Conclusion 152

9. Doing Restorative Justice to Beccaria’s Dream. Roads to Reconciliation and Realization of Prevention, Retribution,Restorative Justice and the Rule of Law&Hendrik Kaptein 157

1. Introduction 157

2. Beccaria Reconsidered 158

3. Rewards of Retributive Reinterpretation (Repairing Beccaria) 162

4. Beyond Beccaria: Retribution as Civilized Restorative Justice Serving Legal Security 165

5. Beccaria’s Dream (To Be Continued) 169

10. A Transaction Approach to Fighting International Corruption&Abiola O. Makinwa 175

1. Introduction 175

2. Section A: The Paradox of Consensus and the Contract Left Standing 176

3. Section B: Corruption in Transactions 181

4. Section C: The Contract Tainted by International Corruption 186

5. Section D: The International Contract as a Regulatory Tool 187

6. Section E: Advantages of a Transaction Approach 188

7. Conclusion 189

Part Ⅲ: Security Assemblages 195

11. Governing Security: Including the Molecular into the Molar&Patrick Van Calster&Marc Schuilenburg 197

1. The Molar as Dominant Practice of Research 198

2. Attention for the Unstable: Matters of the Molecular 199

3. Characteristics of the Molecular 201

4. Including the Molecular into the Molar 202

5. A Zone of Indiscernibility 203

6. Processes of Interaction 205

7. Emergence 206

8. The Control of Criminality as a Process 208

9. Conclusion 210

12. European Surveillance Assemblages: Preventing Crime and Terrorism through Data Monitoring&Monica den Boer&Jelle van Buuren 215

1. Introduction 215

2. Preventive Security Governance through Surveillance 216

3. Evolving Surveillance Systems 220

4. Surveillance in the EU 224

5. Conclusion: A Europe That Interlinks Polycentric Surveillance Practices 230

13. The Limits of Numbers: Impact Assessments and Increased Uncertainty&Tobias Arnoldussen 235

1. Introduction 235

2. Cost Benefit Analyses and Risk Assessments 237

3. Framing Risks and Hazards in Numerical Terms 238

4. Quantification as a Technology of Governance 239

5. The Impact of Quantification on Governance 244

6. The Limits of Numbers 248

7. The Danger of Numbers 250

8. Conclusion ‘Governance by Numbers’ 253

14. Between Proximity and Distance: Relationships between Police and Citizens in Amsterdam&Barbara van Caem 259

1. Introduction 259

2. Interdependence and Paradox 260

3. Police and Nodal Governance 261

4. Method 263

5. The Amsterdam Neighbourhood Coordinator 266

6. Amsterdam South-East: Reigersbos 267

7. Amsterdam North: Molenwijk 270

8. Conclusion 274

Biographies of the Authors 279