Introduction:Civil liberties,national security and prospects for consensus:legal,philosophical and religious perspectives&MICHAEL DUMPER AND ESTHER D.REED 1
PART Ⅰ The security-liberty debate 11
1 Safety and security&JEREMY WALDRON 13
2 Escaping Hobbes:liberty and security for our democratic (not anti-terrorist) age&CONOR GEARTY 35
3 Moderate secularism,religion as identity and respect for religion&TARIQ MODOOD 62
PART Ⅱ Impact on society:the management of unease 81
4 From cartoons to crucifixes:current controversies concerning the freedom of religion and the freedom of expression before the European Court of Human Rights&MALCOLM D.EVANS 83
5 Building a consensus on 'national security' in Britain:terrorism,human rights and 'core values' - the Labour government (a retrospective examination)&DEREK McGHEE 114
6 Terror,reason and rights&ERIC METCALFE 152
PART Ⅲ Religious dimensions 181
7 Religiously rooted engagement in the relationship between human rights and security:a socio-anthropological approach&CHARLOTTE ALFRED 183
8 The elimination of mutilation and torture in rabbinic thought and practice:a Jewish comment amidst the civil liberties/national security debate&DAVID NOVAK 210
9 Narrating religious insecurity:Islamic-Western conceptions of mutual threat&ABDELWAHAB EL-AFFENDI 225
10 Security and the state:a Christian realist perspective on the world since 9/11&ROBIN W.LOVIN 241
Index 257