• 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 出版年份:1995
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:247 页

1 The Statutory Framework of Control 1

The early controls 3

Deposit of Poisonous Waste Act 1972 3

Control of Pollution Act 1974 and Environmental Protection Act 1990 4

Special waste control 4

Statutory nuisance 5

Litter 5

Other legislation 5

Environmental Protection Act 1990, Part Ⅰ 6

Water Resources Act 1991 6

Water Industry Act 1991 6

2 The Structure of Control in England and Wales-Central and Local Government 7

Central Government 9

Local Government 10

3 Town and Country Planning-the Legislation 15

The 1990 legislation 17

The development plan system 18

Development control 26

Special controls available to local planning authorities 70

4 Other Legislation Relevant to Development Control 83

National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 85

Caravan Sites and the Control of Development Act 1960 85

Countryside Act 1968 86

Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 86

Derelict Land Act 1982 87

Highways, bridle-ways and footpaths 87

5 Environmental Legislation relating to Waste Production and Disposal 89

Water abstraction 93

Water pollution 97

Applications for consent to discharge to sewers and watercourses 101

Integrated pollution control and air pollution control by local authorities 104

Transfer, variation and revocation of authorisations 116

Enforcement and offences 118

Waste on land 122

Contaminated land 158

Noise 160

Statutory nuisances 162

6 Landfill Gas 167

Introduction 169

Town and country planning 169

Control of Pollution Act 1974/Environmental Protection Act 1990 170

Statutory nuisances 171

Water Resources Act 1991 171

Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 172

Exploitation 172

7 Health and Safety at Work 173

Introduction 175

Safety, health and welfare legislation 178

Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 180

8 European Community Legislation 187

The European Community environmental policy 189

How European legislation works in practice in the United Kingdom 190

9 An Outline of the Common Law and Other Liabilities and Remedies in Waste Management 201

Introduction 203

Common law liabilities 208

Remedies at common law 208

Action based on statutory liability 209

Other remedies for individuals 209

Environmental Protection Act 1990 210

Control of Pollution Act 1974 210

Water Resources Act 1991 210

Right of action against the National Rivers Authority 211

Statutory provision for civil liability 211

The liabilities of company directors and others 211

Appendices 215

1 Planning and Other Policy Guidance Notes Relevant to Waste Management 215

2 Approved and Other Codes of Practice 217

3 Health and Safety at Work 225

Index 239