《Debating Euthanasia》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:Jackson
  • 出 版 社:Hart Publishing Limited;International Specialized Book Services [Distributor]
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9781849461788;1849461783
  • 页数:190 页

In Favour of the Legalisation of Assisted Dying&by Emily Jackson 1

Ⅰ.Introduction 1

Ⅱ.Why We Should Try 8

Ⅲ.The Status Quo is Indefensible 13

A.Double Effect 14

B.Terminal Sedation 16

C.‘Do Not Attempt Resuscitation’ Orders 18

D.Treatment Withdrawal 19

E.Exporting the ‘Problem’ of Assisted Suicide 33

F.The Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide ‘Underground’ and the Benefits of Regulation 34

Ⅳ.Why Might Anyone Think We Shouldn’t Try? 37

A.The Sanctity and Value of Life 37

B.Effect on Doctor-Patient Relationship 43

C.Regulatory Difficulties 47

Ⅴ.What Might an Assisted Dying Law Look Like? 62

A.Other Countries’ Experience 62

B.Process 66

C.Method: Assisted Suicide or Euthanasia, or Both? 70

D.Substance 73

Ⅵ.What are the Consequences of not Trying? 80

Against Decriminalising Euthanasia; For Improving Care&by John Keown 83

Ⅰ.Introduction 83

Ⅱ.Definitions 86

Ⅲ.Ten Arguments For Decriminalisation 87

A.Autonomy 87

B.Compassion 101

C.Legal Hypocrisy 105

D.A Right to Suicide 110

E.Public Opinion 113

F.Legal Failure 114

G.The Netherlands 118

H.Oregon 128

I.Religion 136

J.Economics 138

Ⅳ.Professor Jackson’s Arguments 139

A.Jackson 1 140

B.Jackson 2 157

Ⅴ.The Joffe Bill 164

A.The Bill 164

B.Key Committee Recommendations Not Adopted 165

C.Extension and Abuse 166

Ⅵ.Conclusions 170

Bibliography 175

Index 179