1. Introduction.Criminal Questions: Cultural Embeddedness and Diffusion&Dario Melossi, Maximo Sozzo and Richard Sparks 1
Part Ⅰ.Cultural Embeddedness of Punishment 17
2. Concepts of Culture in the Sociology of Punishment&David Garland 17
3. Neoliberalism’s Elective Affinities: Penality, Political Economy and International Relations&Dario Melossi 45
4. Theorising the Embeddedness of Punishment&David Nelken 65
Part Ⅱ.Diffusion of Post-Fordist Penality 95
5. State Form, Labour Market and Penal System: the New Punitive Rationality in context&Inaki Rivera Beiras 95
6. Post-Fordism and Penal Change: The New Penology as a Post-Disciplinary Social Control Strategy&Alessandro De Giorgi 113
Part Ⅲ.Travels of Discourses of Criminology and Crime Prevention 147
7. Lombroso’s ‘La Donna Delinquente’: its Strange Journeys in Italy,England and the USA, Including Scenes of Mutilation and Salvation&Nicole Rafter 147
8. The Governance of Crime in Italy: Global Tendencies and Local Peculiarities&Rossella Selmini 161
9. Cultural Travels and Crime Prevention in Argentina&Maximo Sozzo 185
Index 217