Introduction&James Hardie-Bick and Ronnie Lippens 1
1 Goffman, Existentialism and Criminology&James Hardie-Bick and Phil Hadfield 15
2 Subjectivation as Problem and Project: Is there an Existentialist Motif in Foucault?&Claudius Messner 36
3 Vengeance and Furies: Existential Dilemmas in Penal Decision-Making&Simon Green 61
4 Total Institutions and the Last Human Freedom&James Hardie-Bick 85
5 Existential Predicaments and Constabulary Ethics&Danny O'Rourke-Dicarlo and James Sheptycki 108
6 Heidegger, Restorative Justice and Desistance: A Phenomenological Perspective&David Polizzi 129
7 Crime, Harm and Responsibility&Don Crewe 156
8 Mystical Sovereignty and the Emergence of Control Society&Ronnie Lippens 175
Index 194