General Report&Toshiyuki Kono and Paulius JurCys 1
Austria&Thomas Petz 217
Belgium&Marie-Christine Janssens 347
Canada&Joost Blom 425
Croatia&Jvana Kunda 477
France&Marie-Elodie Ancel 525
Germany&Axel Metzger 581
Greece&Anastasia Grammaticaki-Alexiou and Tatiana Synodinou 619
Hungary&Levente Tattay 637
India&Vandana Singh 681
Italy&Nerina Boschiero and Benedetta Ubertazzi 707
Japan&Dai Yokomizo 763
Korea&Gyooho Lee 793
Netherlands&Dick van Engelen 851
Portugal&Alexandre Dias Pereira 877
Slovenia&Damjan Mozina 941
Spain&Pedro A de Miguel Asensio 975
Sweden&UIf Maunsbach 1023
Switzerland&AmElie Charbon and Iris Sidler 1051
United Kingdom&Christopher Wadlow 1061
United States&Howard B Abrams 1103
Appendix Ⅰ 1123
Appendix Ⅱ 1129
Index 1131