• 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 出 版 社:OREGON
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:389 页

Chapter 1: Rehabilitation 1

1.1 The Decline of the Rehabilitative Ideal & Francis A Allen 11

1.2 Empirical Research Relevant to Sentencing Frameworks:Reform and Rehabilitation & Anthony Bottoms 16

1.3 Assessing the Research on 'What Works' & Peter Raynor 19

1.4 Reaffirming Rehabilitation & Francis T Cullen and Karen E Gilbert 28

1.5 Should Penal Rehabilitationism Be Revived? & Andrew von Hirsch and Lisa Maher 33

Chapter 2: Deterrence 39

2.1 Studies of the Impact of New Harsh Sentencing Regimes & AN Doob and CM Webster 49

2.2 Punishment and Deterrence & Jeremy Bentham 53

2.3 Deterrent Sentencing as a Crime Prevention Strategy & Andrew von Hirsch, Anthony E Bottoms, Elizabeth Burney and Per-Olot Wikstr?m 57

2.4 Optimal Sanctions: Any Upper Limits? & Richard Posner 64

2.5 Offenders' Thought Processes & AN Doob and CM Webster 71

Chapter 3: Incapacitation 75

3.1 Incapacitation and "Vivid Danger" & AE Bottoms and Roger Brownsword 83

3.2 Extending Sentences for Dangerousness: Reflections on the Bottoms-Brownsword Model & Andrew von Hirsch and Andrew Ashworth 85

3.3 Incapacitation Within Limits & Norval Morris 90

3.4 Predictive Sentencing and Selective Incapacitation & Andrew von Hirsch and Lila Kazemian 95

Chapter 4: Desert 102

4.1 The Moral Worth of Retribution & Michael S Moore 110

4.2 Proportionate Sentences: a Desert Perspective & Andrew von Hirsch 115

4.3 Punishment, Retribution and Communication & RA Duff 126

4.4 Limiting Retributivism & Richard S Frase 135

4.5 Seriousness, Severity and the Living Standard & Andrew von Hirsch 143

4.6 The Recidivist Premium: For and Against & Julian V Roberts and Andrew von Hirsch 148

Chapter 5: Restorative Justice 163

5.1 Conflicts as Property & Nils Christie 174

5.2 Restoration and Retribution & RA Duff 178

5.3 Reparation and Retribution: Are They Reconcilable? & Lucia Zedner 189

5.4 Normative Constraints: Principles of Penality & Jim Dignan 199

5.5 Restorative Justice: An Alternative to Punishment or an Alternative Form of Punishment?& Gerry Johnstone 206

5.6 Specifying Aims and Limits for Restorative Justice:A 'Making Amends' Model? & Andrew von Hirsch, Andrew Ashworth and Clifford Shearing 211

5.7 The Limits of Restorative Justice & Kathleen Daly 218

Chapter 6: Structuring Sentencing Discretion 229

6.1 Lawlessness in Sentencing & Marvin Frankel 237

6.2 Techniques for Reducing Sentence Disparity & Andrew Ashworth 243

6.3 The Swedish Sentencing Law & Andrew von Hirsch and Nils Jareborg 258

6.4 Sentencing Policy Development under the Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines & Richard S Frase 270

6.5 Institutional Consistency: Appeal Court Judgements & Cyrus Tata 276

6.6 Criticisms of Mandatory Minimums & Cassia Spohn 279

6.7 Sentencing Information System (SIS) Experiments & Marc Miller 283

Chapter 7: Sentencing Young Offenders 294

7.1 United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice ("The Beijing Rules") 307

7.2 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 313

7.3 Rationales for Distinctive Penal Policies for Youth Offenders & Franklin E Zimring 316

7.4 Reduced Penalties for Juveniles: the Normative Dimension & Andrew von Hirsch 323

7.5 The Transformation of the American Juvenile Court & Barry C Feld 331

7.6 Restraining the Use of Custody for Young Offenders: The Canadian Approach & Nicholas Bala and Julian V Roberts 338

Chapter 8: Doing Justice to Difference:Diversity and Sentencing 342

8.1 Abandoning Sentence Discounts for Guilty Pleas & Michael Tonry 351

8.2 Individualizing Punishments & Michael Tonry 354

8.3 Hanging Judges and Wayward Mechanics: Reply to Michael Tonry & Ian Brownlee 359

8.4 Justice and Difference & Barbara A Hudson 366

Index 379