• 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 出 版 社:OREGON
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:1841132683
  • 页数:360 页

Introduction&Ian Havercroft, Richard Macrory and Richard Stewart 1

Part One: The Scientific and Technical Context 7

1. Geological Factors in Framing Legislation to Enable and Regulate Storage of Carbon Dioxide Deep in the Ground&Stuart Haszeldine 7

2. Carbon Capture and Storage—An Equipment Manufacturer's Perspective&Norman Shilling 25

Part Two: Regulating the Capture of CO2 39

3. The Legal Framework for Carbon Capture and Storage in Canada&Henry J Krupa 39

4. Legal and Regulatory Challenges of Geological Carbon Capture and Sequestration: US Hurdles to Reducing CO2 Emissions&Les LoBaugh 67

5. Treatment of CCS under GHG Regulatory Programmes&Robert R Nordhaus 81

6. The CCS Directive, its Implementation and the Co-financing of CCS and RES Demonstration Projects under the Emissions Trading System (NER 300 Process)&Martina Doppelhammer 93

Part Three: Transportation of CO2—Legal Considerations 107

7. CO2 Transportation in the European Union: Can the Regulation of CO2 Pipelines benefit from the Experiences of the Energy Sector?&Martha M. Roggenkamp and Avelien Haan-Kamminga 107

8. Transboundary Chains for Carbon Capture and Storage:Allocation under the Climate Regime between the States Parties of Emissions due to Leakage&Hans Christian Bugge 123

9. CO2 Transportation and Regulation, CCS, and EOR in the United States&Lawrence J Wolfe 135

Part Four: Long-term Storage of CO2 and the Law 145

10. Legal Developments for Carbon Capture and Storage under International and Regional Marine Legislation&Chiara Armeni 145

11. The Regulation of Geological Storage of Greenhouse Gases in Australia&Meredith Gibbs 159

12. Long-term Liability for CCS: Some Thoughts about Specific Risks, Multiple Regimes and the EU Directive&Chris Clarke 179

13. Obstacles to Regulation of Carbon Capture and Sequestration by US States: Can They be Overcome?&J Jared Snyder 199

Part Five: CCS and Emerging Economies 211

14. India and Climate Change: Contextualising India's Approach to CCS Technology&Lavanya Rajamani 211

15. China's Emerging Regulatory Framework for Safe and Effective CCS, 2011-15&Qiuyan Zhao 223

16. Accessing Carbon Finance for CCS Projects in Emerging and Developing Economies&Paul Zakkour 233

Part Six: Public Perception and Participation 251

17. Enabling the Social Shaping of CCS Technology&Peta Ashworth and Craig Cormick 251

18. Regulatory Requirements for Public Engagement around Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Demonstrations&Sarah M Forbes, Francisco Almendra, Micah S Ziegler and Ruth Greenspan Bell 265

19. Public Participation in UK CCS Planning and Consent Procedures&Meyric Lewis and Ned Westaway 277

Pulling the Threads Together&Ian Havercroft and Richard Macrory 297

Appendix: EU Carbon Capture and Storage Directive 305

References 343

Index 349