《英语教师职业发展前沿论丛 语言项目中的测试 英语语言测评综合指南 英文》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)布朗编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:9787302308898
  • 页数:307 页

Chapter 1 Types and Uses of Language Tests 1

Two Families of Language Tests 1

Norm-Referenced Tests 2

Criterion-Referenced Tests 2

Type of Interpretation 3

Type of Measurement 4

Purpose of the Testing 5

Distributions of Scores 5

Test Structure 5

Matching Tests to Decision Purposes 7

Program-Level Proficiency Decisions 8

Program-Level Placement Decisions 9

Classroom-Level Achievement Decisions 11

Classroom-Level Diagnostic Decisions 12

Why a Single Test Cannot Fulfill All Four Functions 12

Differences in Ranges of Ability 13

Differences in Variety of Content 14

Using Spreadsheet Programs in Language Testing 15

What Is a Spreadsheet Program? 16

How Will You Personally Benefit from Using a Spreadsheet Program in This Book? 16

Review Questions 17

Application Exercises 17

Chapter 2 Adopting,Adapting,and Developing Language Tests 18

Theoretical Issues 18

Language Teaching Methodology Issues 19

An Exceptionally Short History of Language Testing 19

Why Knowing about These Movements Is Important 24

The Competence/Performance Issue 24

The Discrete-Point/Integrative Issue 25

Practical Issues 26

The Fairness Issue 26

The Cost Issues 27

Ease of Test Construction 28

Ease of Test Administration 28

Ease of Test Scoring 29

Interactions of Theoretical Issues 29

Adopt,Adapt,or Develop? 30

Adopting Language Tests 30

Adapting Language Tests 33

Developing Language Tests 34

Putting Sound Tests in Place 34

Getting Started with Your Spreadsheet Program 36

Moving Around the Spreadsheet 37

Creating a Sample Spreadsheet 38

Entering Test Score Data to Create a Spreadsheet 38

Review Questions 40

Application Exercises 40

Chapter 3 Developing Good Quality Language Test Items 41

What is a Test Item? 41

Guidelines for Item Format Analysis 42

General Guidelines 43

Receptive Response Items 47

Productive Response Items 51

Personal Response Items 58

Why Bother with Item Format Analysis? 63

Review Questions 64

Application Exercises 64

Chapter 4 Item Analysis in Language Testing 66

Norm-Referenced Item Analysis 66

Item Facility Analysis 66

Item Discrimination Analysis 68

Calculating Item Facility and Discrimination with Your Spreadsheet 70

NRT Development and Improvement Projects 75

Criterion-Referenced Item Analysis 76

Item Quality Analysis 77

CRT Development and Improvement Projects 79

Role of Item Facility 80

Difference Index 80

The B-Index 82

CRT Item Selection 84

Review Questions 85

Application Exercises 86

Chapter 5 Describing Language Test Results 89

Displaying Data 89

Graphic Display of Frequencies 91

Creating Graphs in Excel TM 93

Scales of Measurement 95

Nominal Scales 95

Ordinal Scales 96

Continuous Scales 96

Descriptive Statistics 97

Central Tendency 98

Mean 98

Mode 99

Median 100

Midpoint 100

Dispersion 101

Range 101

High and Low 102

Standard Deviation 102

Variance 104

The Spreadsheet Approach to Descriptive Statistics 105

Reporting Descriptive Statistics 107

What Should Be Included? 107

How Should Descriptive Test Statistics be Displayed? 108

Review Questions 110

Application Exercises 111

Chapter 6 Interpreting Language Test Scores 114

Probability Distributions 114

Normal Distribution 116

Characteristics of Normal Distributions 119

Central Tendency 119

Dispersion 119

Percents/Percentages 120

Learning from Distributions 121

Using Percents/Percentages 122

Percentiles 122

Standardized Scores 123

z Scores 123

T Scores 125

CEEB Scores 126

Computer-based TOEFL Scores 126

Standardized and Percentile Scores 126

The Importance of Standardized Scores 127

Skewed Distributions 129

Skewedness 129

Peaked Distributions 132

NRT and CRT Distributions 132

The Spreadsheet Approach to Standardized Scores 134

Review Questions 136

Application Exercises 137

Chapter 7 Correlation in Language Testing 139

Preliminary Definitions 139

Calculating the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient 142

Assumptions of the Pearson-Moment Correlation Coefficient 145

Calculating the Pearson Correlation Coefficient with a Spreadsheet 149

Interpreting Correlation Coefficients 153

Statistical Significance 153

Meaningfulness 157

Correlation Matrixes 159

Potential Problems with Correlational Analysis 161

Restriction of Range 161

Skewedness 161

Causality 162

Another Useful Type of Correlational Analysis 162

Point-Biserial Correlation Coefficient 162

Calculating the Point-Biserial Correlation Coefficient with a Spreadsheet 164

Review Questions 167

Application Exercises 168

Chapter 8 Language Test Reliability 169

Sources of Variance 169

Measurement Error 171

Variance Due to Environment 172

Variance Due to Adminstration Procedures 173

Variance Attributable to Examinees 173

Variance Due to Scoring Procedures 174

Variance Attributable to the Test and Test Items 174

Reliability of NRTs 175

Test-Retest Reliability 175

Equivalent-Forms Reliability 176

Internal-Consistency Reliability 176

Split-Half Reliability 177

Cronbach Alpha 179

Kuder-Richardson Formulas 179

Reliability of Rater Judgments 185

Interpreting Reliability Estimates 188

Standard Error of Measurement 188

Using a Spreadsheet to Calculate NRT Reliability 190

Split-Half(Adjusted)and Cronbach Alpha 190

Kuder-Richardson Formulas 20 and 21,and the SEM 193

Factors Affecting the Reliability of NRTs 196

Review Questions 196

Application Exercises 197

Chapter 9 Language Test Dependability 199

Threshold Loss Agreement Approaches 200

Agreement Coefficient 200

Kappa Coefficient 202

Estimating Threshold Loss Agreement from a Single Test Administration 203

Squared-Error Loss Agreement Approaches 206

Domain Score Dependability 207

Relationships 209

Cautions 209

Confidence Intervals 210

Using a Spreadsheet to Calculate CRT Reliability 210

Agreement and Kappa Estimates(Using the Subkoviak Method) 211

The Phi(lambda)Coefficient 211

The Phi Coefficient and Confidence Interval 214

Factors Affecting the Consistency of CRTs 215

Review Questions 216

Application Exercises 217

Chapter 10 Language Test Validity 220

Traditional Validity Strategies of Both NRTs and CRTs 221

Content Validity 221

Overall Strategy for Establishing Content Validity 221

An Example of the Importance of Item Planning in Regards to Content Validity 225

Content Validity and Other Types of Validity 226

Construct Validity 226

Differential-Groups Studies 227

Intervention Studies 232

Criterion-Related Validity:A Traditional Strategy for NRTs 233

Restrictions of Range and NRT Validity 234

Standard Setting 235

Reliability,Validity,and Standard Setting 238

Standards and Test Consistency 238

Standards and Test Validity 239

Other Issues Related to Validity 242

The Washback Effect 242

Factors Affecting the Impact of Washback 243

Negative Effects of Washback 243

Promoting Positive Washback 244

Testing Bias 246

Review Questions 248

Application Exercises 249

Chapter 11 Language Testing in Reality 252

The Place of Tests in Curriculum Planning 252

The ELI Language Program 254

Four Decision-Making Steps 254

Initial Screening Procedures 254

Placement Procedures 256

Second-Week Diagnostic Procedures 257

Achievement Procedures 258

Testing as an Integrated System 260

Review Questions 261

Application Exercises 261

Answer Keys 262

Glossary 284

Index 296

References 303