《International Drug Control into the 21st Century》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:Ghodse
  • 出 版 社:Limited;Bookpoint Limited [Distributor]
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:232 页

1 Introduction 1

2 International Drug Control System 19

3 Legalization of Internationally Controlled Drugs 27

4 Drugs and the Importance of Demand Reduction 35

5 Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the International Drug Control Treaties 41

6 Money-Laundering 51

7 Drug Abuse and Criminal Justice 61

8 Preventing Drug Abuse in an Environment of Illicit Drug Promotion 77

9 International Control of Drugs: Past, Present and Future 89

10 Freedom from Pain and Suffering 103

11 Overconsumption of Internationally Controlled Drugs 117

12 Globalization and New Technologies: Challenges to Drug Law Enforcement in the 21 st Century 133

13 Illicit Drugs and Economic Development 153

14 Drugs, Crime and Violence: The Microlevel Impact 169

15 Integration of Supply and Demand Reduction Strategies: Moving Beyond a Balanced Approach 187

16 Alternative Development and Legitimate Livelihoods 203

17 Internationally Controlled Drugs and the Unregulated Market 219

Index 227