《Patent and Know-How Licensing in Japan and the United States》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:14 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:Doi
  • 出 版 社:Limited [Distributor]
  • 出版年份:1977
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:433 页

A Comparative Study of the Patent Laws of the United States and Japan&MARCUS B.FINNEGAN,KOE TOYOSAKI,AND DAVID G.CONLIN 3

The Protection of Unpatented Know-how and Trade Secrets in the United States and Japan&JOHN LYON AND TERUO DOI 30

Appendix:Secrecy Agreement 73

United States Patent Law Application Procedures&ROBERT A.STENZEL 75

Patent Office and Court Procedures in Japan&YOSHIOBU SOMENO AND KEIKO SOMENO 110

Drafting License Agreements in Japan and in the United States&WILLIAM R.WOODWARD AND TASUKU MATSUO 124

Appendix:Examples of License Agreements 170

Remedies for Breach of License Agreements&EUGENE LEE AND YUTAKA KUBOTA 225

Regulation of International Licensing Agreements under the Japanese Antimonopoly Law&MICHIKO ARIGA 278

Appendixes: 310

1. Fair Trade Commission Notification No.11 of 1953 310

2. On the Announcement of “Antimonopoly Act Guidelines for International Licensing Agreements” 312

3. Introduction of Foreign Capital by Year 315

4. Regulation Concerning Reporting of International Contract,Stockholding,Interlocking Directorate,Merger,and Business Transfer (FTC Regulation No.1 of 1953) 316

5. An Example of Report on Conclusion of International License Contract 318

Antitrust-Patent Problems under United States Law,with Particular Reference to International Aspects&WILBUR L.FUGATE 320

United States Taxation of Patent and Know-how Licensing&JOHN J.COOPER 342

Japanese Taxation of Patent and Know-how Licensing&SEIICHI NAKAMURA,KOZO TOYAMA,AND JOSEPH M.DODGE II 384

Index of Cases Discussed 399

General Index 417